14 min

God of the Valley: Shame and the Grace of God Icon Church Sermons

    • Christianity

Here in Week 3 of our mini-series looking at God and how his character affects our mental health, we look at shame.

Each one of us is living in a story. As humans, we find purpose and significance based off of the story that we think we are living into. Shame recognizes this, and is seeking to tell you a story, and it’s one of the most destructive narratives you can embrace. This week, we’ll see how shame’s story is dehumanizing, isolating, and perpetuates the sins we hate. But the grace of God is able to undo this narrative, interrupting it with a new word and a decisive story of freedom and safe vulnerability.

Here in Week 3 of our mini-series looking at God and how his character affects our mental health, we look at shame.

Each one of us is living in a story. As humans, we find purpose and significance based off of the story that we think we are living into. Shame recognizes this, and is seeking to tell you a story, and it’s one of the most destructive narratives you can embrace. This week, we’ll see how shame’s story is dehumanizing, isolating, and perpetuates the sins we hate. But the grace of God is able to undo this narrative, interrupting it with a new word and a decisive story of freedom and safe vulnerability.

14 min