55 min

Easter Part 1: The Continuing Work of Christ Ideas Have Consequences

    • Christianity

The Hebrew people in the Old Testament anticipated a Messiah that would be a priest and a King, radically changing every area of our worldly experience, and restoring it to God’s original intentions. Welcome to a two-part Easter series as we look at the practical impact that Christ's death and resurrection has on each of our lives. When Jesus came, He never intended for us to keep our faith relegated to attending church and being privately spiritual. The same power that rose Jesus from the gr...

The Hebrew people in the Old Testament anticipated a Messiah that would be a priest and a King, radically changing every area of our worldly experience, and restoring it to God’s original intentions. Welcome to a two-part Easter series as we look at the practical impact that Christ's death and resurrection has on each of our lives. When Jesus came, He never intended for us to keep our faith relegated to attending church and being privately spiritual. The same power that rose Jesus from the gr...

55 min