Feel like you have a million and one irons in the fire on any given day?! And if you're the people pleasing type, you can feel guilty for ever saying no or setting a boundary!
If you're tired of always saying yes and regretting it later on, this episode is for you!
Tune in as Landyn breaks down exactly what it means and looks like to live out her 2020 motto: If it's not a hell yes, it's a no.
In this short and punchy chat, Landyn is dishing out that little push we could all use in remembering: you have the permission to say no. You are *not* a bad person for turning something down, a simple 'no thank you' is more than sufficient.
Listen in for Landyn's decision making process on how she intentionally chooses to fill her life with the things and experiences she is passionate about. No more simply 'pushing through' a commitment that your heart is not a part of in the first place. Because your one life is far too important to be filled with things that are not *truly* important to you.
Need a daily reminder of this motto? Get your hands on Landyn's mug!
For more about this episode, visit www.livingwithlandyn.com/ep-20-if-its-not-a-hell-yes-its-a-no
Hosts & Guests
- Show
- PublishedJuly 24, 2020 at 10:00 AM UTC
- Length12 min
- Episode20
- RatingExplicit