33 min

Infra Dig – Hamish Lea-Wilson, Igneo IP The IJGlobal Podcast

    • Investing

The value of long-term investment by infra funds into infrastructure and energy assets is a central theme in this latest episode of the Infra Dig podcast.IJGlobal content director Angus Leslie Melville speaks with Hamish Lea-Wilson, a partner at Igneo Infrastructure Partners, who plays a key role in the fund manager’s origination and execution of European infra investment opportunities.Conversation ranges from an insightful run-through how a long-term approach to infrastructure investments ac...

The value of long-term investment by infra funds into infrastructure and energy assets is a central theme in this latest episode of the Infra Dig podcast.IJGlobal content director Angus Leslie Melville speaks with Hamish Lea-Wilson, a partner at Igneo Infrastructure Partners, who plays a key role in the fund manager’s origination and execution of European infra investment opportunities.Conversation ranges from an insightful run-through how a long-term approach to infrastructure investments ac...

33 min