23 min

{inside look} How I Structure my Day, My AM Routine, "Green Zone" Activities, and How to be Productive AND Take Time Off Success + Money + Mindset

    • Entrepreneurship

If you’re a financial advisor / insurance agent and you want more leads, more money, and to hit $15,000 - $25,000+ per month consistently, this is for you.

I'm hosting a FREE TRAINING called The Inbound Leads Masterclass 

In the Masterclass I’ll be sharing the exact framework to getting inbound leads, booking your calendar FULL, and hitting $25k/mo consistently. (this is the HOW behind my systems).

If you want $15k+/mo without working MORE, you don’t want to miss this.

 ⁠Click here to register⁠ for the training & be sure to add it to your calendar ASAP 


As y'all likely know, I really enjoy working.


I also really, really enjoy NOT working.

I love setting up systems to make my business run without me.

And lately, I've been really falling back in love with myself, my life, building up hobbies (post breakup life I'm being really intentional about loving myself & doing things that fill my cup).

And during the week when I would "normally" be working, I've been reading by the pool, working out, taking my doggie Cashew for a walk, having a green juice at a coffee shop, spending time with my bestie Ashley...


Here's what I've noticed (and I'm curious if this will ring true for you, too)

When I'm unclear or "foggy" around HOW to bring in consistent revenue into my business... the hobbies, the time off, the spontaneous walks in the middle of the day -- they feel like GUILT, not like FREEDOM.

Over the past 7+ years, I've noticed something SHOCKING. Lack of clarity creates anxiety.

Fortunately, the opposite is also true. More clarity = less anxiety (and more money, more consistency, and more FREEDOM).

As advisors / business owners, I think that a lot of us crave freedom. But, when you don't know the "how" on creating recurring, consistent income -- the freedom feels fleeting, or stressful, or guilty.

(have you ever taken a vacation / maternity leave / a long weekend -- and kept thinking over and over and over about work?)

A few weeks ago, I was feeling really stressed about money (yes, even I sometimes feel anxious around money)!

And here's what I've observed in myself (as well as the advisors I coach) --

95% of the time, when I'm stressed about money, it's because I'm looking at the OUTCOME (# of closes on the calendar, our open inventory, submitting premium, people saying yes...) and NOT focusing on the ACTIVITIES (dialing, getting referrals, showing up daily to do your "revenue generating activities").

And THAT is why this topic is so important.

So -- let's talk about how I structure my day (p.s. these are not recommendations, I'm sharing so you can see what feels right and adopt if you'd like!)

 First thing I try NOT to check my phone (it's hard some days). I don't want my brain to start by relying on social media for dopamine.
 I walk Cashew for about 30-45 minutes and listen to a YouTube (usually Abraham Hicks, Oprah, or Andrew Huberman)
 I then sit and work on my HIGHEST value activities. My curent daily activities are:

Other things I do that keep my brain in OPTIMAL performance include:

 I don't consume any social media content until I've created mine (creation > consumtpion)
 I put my phone on do not disturb so I'm not distracted during my daily activities
 I don't check emails until later in the day
 I have SYSTEMS for getting leads & referrals (more on that below) -- so I am not "stressed" about leads or new meetings
MOST IMPORTANTLY -- I focus on all the above BEFORE answering client questions / reading emails / checking texts. This keeps me OUT of "reactive" mode, and keeps me in creation / focus mode.

If you’re a financial advisor / insurance agent and you want more leads, more money, and to hit $15,000 - $25,000+ per month consistently, this is for you.

I'm hosting a FREE TRAINING called The Inbound Leads Masterclass 

In the Masterclass I’ll be sharing the exact framework to getting inbound leads, booking your calendar FULL, and hitting $25k/mo consistently. (this is the HOW behind my systems).

If you want $15k+/mo without working MORE, you don’t want to miss this.

 ⁠Click here to register⁠ for the training & be sure to add it to your calendar ASAP 


As y'all likely know, I really enjoy working.


I also really, really enjoy NOT working.

I love setting up systems to make my business run without me.

And lately, I've been really falling back in love with myself, my life, building up hobbies (post breakup life I'm being really intentional about loving myself & doing things that fill my cup).

And during the week when I would "normally" be working, I've been reading by the pool, working out, taking my doggie Cashew for a walk, having a green juice at a coffee shop, spending time with my bestie Ashley...


Here's what I've noticed (and I'm curious if this will ring true for you, too)

When I'm unclear or "foggy" around HOW to bring in consistent revenue into my business... the hobbies, the time off, the spontaneous walks in the middle of the day -- they feel like GUILT, not like FREEDOM.

Over the past 7+ years, I've noticed something SHOCKING. Lack of clarity creates anxiety.

Fortunately, the opposite is also true. More clarity = less anxiety (and more money, more consistency, and more FREEDOM).

As advisors / business owners, I think that a lot of us crave freedom. But, when you don't know the "how" on creating recurring, consistent income -- the freedom feels fleeting, or stressful, or guilty.

(have you ever taken a vacation / maternity leave / a long weekend -- and kept thinking over and over and over about work?)

A few weeks ago, I was feeling really stressed about money (yes, even I sometimes feel anxious around money)!

And here's what I've observed in myself (as well as the advisors I coach) --

95% of the time, when I'm stressed about money, it's because I'm looking at the OUTCOME (# of closes on the calendar, our open inventory, submitting premium, people saying yes...) and NOT focusing on the ACTIVITIES (dialing, getting referrals, showing up daily to do your "revenue generating activities").

And THAT is why this topic is so important.

So -- let's talk about how I structure my day (p.s. these are not recommendations, I'm sharing so you can see what feels right and adopt if you'd like!)

 First thing I try NOT to check my phone (it's hard some days). I don't want my brain to start by relying on social media for dopamine.
 I walk Cashew for about 30-45 minutes and listen to a YouTube (usually Abraham Hicks, Oprah, or Andrew Huberman)
 I then sit and work on my HIGHEST value activities. My curent daily activities are:

Other things I do that keep my brain in OPTIMAL performance include:

 I don't consume any social media content until I've created mine (creation > consumtpion)
 I put my phone on do not disturb so I'm not distracted during my daily activities
 I don't check emails until later in the day
 I have SYSTEMS for getting leads & referrals (more on that below) -- so I am not "stressed" about leads or new meetings
MOST IMPORTANTLY -- I focus on all the above BEFORE answering client questions / reading emails / checking texts. This keeps me OUT of "reactive" mode, and keeps me in creation / focus mode.

23 min