23 min

Holiday Drinking: Booze, Bloat, and Your Brain Healtheology

    • Christianity

043. As the holidays are upon us, this week's episode is dedicated to booze & bloat ... because I notice firsthand that when I booze ... I bloat.We detail out 4 ways that booze effects your body:Surface Level:Your LooksYour WeightDeeper Level:Your BrainYour StomachNote: This isn't a PSA to stop drinking. This is a PSA to help you think through what makes you feel awesome, and what makes you feel like garbage.Bigger Note: This episode is geared toward the casual imbiber. If you feel you ma...

043. As the holidays are upon us, this week's episode is dedicated to booze & bloat ... because I notice firsthand that when I booze ... I bloat.We detail out 4 ways that booze effects your body:Surface Level:Your LooksYour WeightDeeper Level:Your BrainYour StomachNote: This isn't a PSA to stop drinking. This is a PSA to help you think through what makes you feel awesome, and what makes you feel like garbage.Bigger Note: This episode is geared toward the casual imbiber. If you feel you ma...

23 min