Inspiring Ideas Recommends Series - Ep 11

بودكاست ‫Inspiring Ideas‬

✅ Gratitude begins when the sense of entitlement ends. Great motivational video suggestion for parents for thinking about the value we all bring to this world 🪔🤝
✅ Top 2 skills that are absolute must to be successful in this remote working world 👨‍🔬🏆🥇
✅ Mindset is often overlooked. A book suggestion on changing the way you think to fulfil your potential 👩👨
✅ Taking chare of how you think and manage yourself - another great book suggestion🗝💡🚀

📢 Tune in to the 11th episode of "Inspiring Ideas recommends" to find answers to the above questions. Hope you like it! 😀👍

In this series, we recommend fascinating, insightful and educational content (podcasts, videos, LinkedIn profiles, articles, books etc).

Do share your recommendations in the comment section and we can include them along with your name in future episodes.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Guest: Paul Harrison (Thank you for the great recommendations)

Hosts: Madhu Sundararajan & Abhinav Raje

#inspiringideas #recommendations #AIM #podcast

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