161 episodes

Time is money, so invest in every minute. Learn how to save both time and money in these mercifully short podcasts. We minimize financial stress to maximize your life as Hans Blake, CFA, CPA hosts Intelligent Money Minute. Hans founded Intelligent Investing after managing $350M and he interviews experts in a variety of fields. To be a part of the show and get your financial questions answered, send an email to: info@investedwithyou.com or visit www.investedwithyou.com/podcasts.

Intelligent Money Minute Hans Blake, CFA, CPA

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Time is money, so invest in every minute. Learn how to save both time and money in these mercifully short podcasts. We minimize financial stress to maximize your life as Hans Blake, CFA, CPA hosts Intelligent Money Minute. Hans founded Intelligent Investing after managing $350M and he interviews experts in a variety of fields. To be a part of the show and get your financial questions answered, send an email to: info@investedwithyou.com or visit www.investedwithyou.com/podcasts.

    Not Wired to Retire: Encore Careers in Retirement

    Not Wired to Retire: Encore Careers in Retirement

    At Intelligent Investing Advisors, we are dedicated to helping our clients navigate the complexities of retirement with confidence and clarity. We prioritize providing personalized guidance to ensure that our clients feel empowered throughout their retirement journey. In a recent interview, we spoke with Kathleen Rehl, a leading authority on encore careers in retirement. Together, we explored the concept of not being wired to retire and highlighted the significance of emotional and psychological readiness for retirement.

    Not Wired to Retire: Seeking Purpose Beyond Traditional Retirement

    Kathleen Rehl’s philosophy challenges traditional retirement norms. Retirement, to her, isn’t about endless leisure; it’s about finding purpose and fulfillment daily. As she aptly puts it, retirement isn’t just about golf or fine dining; it’s about embracing activities that bring joy and meaning. For many, retirement isn’t the end; it’s a new beginning. Kathleen emphasizes embracing encore careers, where passions can thrive. From speaking engagements to articles, her journey showcases the potential of encore careers in retirement fulfillment.

    The Three Pillars of Retirement Readiness

    Kathleen emphasizes that retirement readiness goes beyond finances. Emotionally, psychologically, and relationally, individuals must prepare for retirement’s challenges. Managing financial stress and navigating relationship shifts are crucial for a smooth transition.

    At Intelligent Investing Advisors, we understand retirement planning is multifaceted. By addressing emotional, psychological, and relational aspects, we empower clients to transition smoothly. Our approach ensures clients are prepared financially and emotionally for retirement.

    Retirement signifies not the end of one’s journey but an opportunity to redefine fulfillment and pursue novel avenues of growth and contribution.

    More From Kathleen Rehl

    Some of our most popular blogs are the financial scam series we posted on our website. We talk about how to emotionally heal after being financially scammed, how to help others who have been financially scammed, and 11 ways to protect yourself from being financially scammed. You can find all of those on our blog page.

    Please be sure to subscribe to our podcasts as we will be interviewing Kathleen on an upcoming podcast where she explains how to simply write a legacy letter to your family and friends. You will not want to miss it. You can purchase Kathleen’s book here.  

    Kathleen Rehl Bio

    Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® wrote the multi-award-winning book, Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows. Experiencing widowhood herself, Dr. Rehl empowers widows financially™ and inspires their advisors. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, AARP Bulletin, CNBC, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, Journal of Financial Service Professionals, Journal of Financial Planning, and other publications. Rehl owned a financial planning firm for 17 years before retiring to her “encore” career. She walks an hour daily, practices yoga, enjoys art and music festivals, writes poetry and makes art, loves her grandsons . . . and continues to evolve on her journey.


    • 8 min
    Insights for DIY Investors and Fiduciary Seekers

    Insights for DIY Investors and Fiduciary Seekers

    At Intelligent Investing Advisors, we often delve into discussions about the intricacies of financial planning, wealth management, and investment strategies. Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down with Rob Isbitts, a seasoned investment expert, to explore the realm of do-it-yourself (DIY) investing.

    Recognizing the Value of Professional Guidance

    In our dialogue, Rob drew parallels between DIY investing and everyday tasks like lawn care or tax preparation. While there’s merit in autonomy, he stressed the point where outsourcing to professionals can yield superior outcomes. Recognizing when professional guidance is essential, especially in finance’s complexity, becomes paramount.

    Rob illuminated the mindset of the DIY investor, who may view financial advisors as sales-oriented rather than focused on client welfare. While autonomy is admirable, he cautioned against navigating the financial landscape solo. Developing a robust investment philosophy and seeking guidance on non-investment aspects are crucial steps for DIY investors.

    Establishing an Investment Philosophy

    Emphasizing the cornerstone of successful investing, Rob highlighted the significance of a well-defined investment philosophy. Articulating beliefs and principles guides decision-making amidst market fluctuations. At Intelligent Investing Advisors, we align with Rob’s stance, emphasizing values and goals alignment in our investment strategies.

    Rob stressed the importance of combating behavioral biases in today’s information-rich investment environment. At Intelligent Investing Advisors, we acknowledge behavioral finance’s impact on outcomes and empower clients to make informed decisions grounded in sound financial principles.

    As the debate between DIY investing and professional guidance persists, Intelligent Investing Advisors stands firm in empowering clients with knowledge and tools for informed decisions. Whether seasoned or new investors, we offer tailored guidance for each unique financial journey. Let’s navigate the markets together, one informed decision at a time.

    Rob Isbitts Bio

    Rob Isbitts, the founder of ETFYourself.com, is a seasoned investment expert renowned for his role as a serial myth-buster and educator in the finance industry. With 30 years of professional investment experience, he transitioned from a Wall Street grunt to a fiduciary advisor for nearly three decades. Notably, he sold his advisory practice and “retired” in 2020 at 56, only to enter a “10-year, no-cut contract” to provide model portfolio services. In 2020, he founded Sungarden Investment Publishing, followed by ETFYourself.com in 2023. Rob has authored over 1,000 articles for esteemed platforms like etf.com, Forbes, and Marketwatch, and is a frequent guest on podcasts. He’s recognized as a straight-talker, fair-play advocate, and champion of diversity in investing, with accolades including three-time mutual fund manager, author, and honoree in Worth Magazine’s “Top 100 U.S. Wealth Advisors” list. His wife, Dana Isbitts, plays a pivotal role in managing their ventures.

    • 7 min
    The Five Ways to ReFire Your Retirement

    The Five Ways to ReFire Your Retirement

    At Intelligent Investing Advisors, we believe in helping our clients not just retire but re-fire their lives for a fulfilling and purposeful future. In a recent interview with Kathleen Rehl, a leading expert in empowering widows financially, we delved into the concept of “re-firement” and the five essential elements that make it possible.

    Kathleen’s Journey: From Childhood Chores to Financial Empowerment

    Kathleen Rehl’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience and adaptation. Born and raised in Wisconsin amidst challenges and responsibilities, Kathleen’s path led her from humble beginnings to becoming a beacon of hope for widows seeking financial independence. Her background in academia, nonprofit work, and financial advising uniquely positioned her to make a difference in the lives of those navigating loss and transition.

    The Five “Re-Fire” Principles

    1. Family: At the core of Kathleen’s philosophy is the importance of family. Beyond financial stability, re-firement involves nurturing relationships and cherishing moments with loved ones.

    2. Fun: Re-firement isn’t just about responsibilities; it’s about finding joy in everyday experiences. Kathleen emphasizes the value of incorporating fun activities into retirement plans to cultivate a sense of fulfillment.

    3. Focus and Purpose: While retirement may signify the end of a career, it’s also an opportunity for a new beginning. By staying focused on personal goals and finding purpose in each day, individuals can redefine their sense of fulfillment.

    4. Friends: Social connections play a vital role in re-firement. Kathleen advocates for fostering meaningful friendships and nurturing a support network that enriches life beyond retirement.

    5. Fitness: True wealth encompasses more than just financial stability—it extends to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Prioritizing fitness in all its forms ensures a balanced and holistic approach to re-firement.

    As Kathleen’s journey illustrates, life is a series of pivots and transitions. Embracing change and staying open to new opportunities is key to crafting a fulfilling retirement. Just as Kathleen discovered her true calling in empowering widows, individuals approaching retirement can find renewed purpose by embracing the five pillars of re-firement.

    In conclusion, Kathleen Rehl’s story reminds us that retirement isn’t the end of the road—it’s a chance to ignite new passions, cultivate meaningful connections, and embrace life’s journey with enthusiasm. By adopting the “re-fire” mentality, we can turn retirement into a chapter filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

    Some of our most popular blogs are the financial scam series we posted on our website. We talk about how to emotionally heal after being financially scammed, how to help others who have been financially scammed, and 11 ways to protect yourself from being financially scammed. You can find all of those on our blog page.

    Please be sure to subscribe to our podcasts as we will be interviewing Kathleen on an upcoming podcast where she explains how to simply write a legacy letter to your family and friends. You will not want to miss it. You can purchase Kathleen’s book here.  

    Kathleen Rehl Bio

    a href="https://www.

    • 6 min
    What an Intelligent Investing Should do with Market Outlooks

    What an Intelligent Investing Should do with Market Outlooks

    In this episode of Intelligent Money Minute, I had the pleasure of interviewing Larry Swedroe, head of Financial and Economic Research at Buckingham Strategic Wealth, on what an intelligent investor should do with market outlooks.

    The Reality of Market Forecasts

    Larry firmly grounds his perspective in empirical evidence, highlighting that market forecasts hold no genuine value. The research indicates that predicting the future is beyond the prowess of even the most esteemed experts. Warren Buffett, revered for his investing prowess, hasn’t entertained macro forecasts for over 25 years, emphasizing their futility in guiding long-term plans.

    An intriguing paradox emerges when investors revere individuals like Buffett or Peter Lynch yet often disregard their advice. Larry notes the danger of succumbing to predictions by market gurus like Jeremy Grantham, whose forecasts have often faltered, leading investors astray. The empirical evidence reaffirms that forecasting market trends accurately remains elusive.

    The Ark Investment Phenomenon

    Kathy Wood’s approach at Ark Investments soared on a narrative of disruptive technologies, akin to the late 90s tech boom. However, as Larry points out, this strategy historically led to significant volatility and long-term underperformance. Wood’s fund initially gained traction, attracting billions of dollars during its successful periods, only to face substantial challenges when those speculative trends faltered.

    The pattern echoes a cycle familiar in investing: rising investor interest leads to inflows, magnifying the fund’s exposure and driving up the prices of thinly traded stocks. This reinforcement ultimately feeds back into the momentum, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, when these high expectations are not substantiated by earnings, the bubble bursts, leaving investors vulnerable.

    Prudent Advice for Investors: Tune Out Market Forecasts

    Larry’s analysis emphasizes that while Kathy Wood’s strategies occasionally yield short-term successes, they often culminate in long-term disappointments. This rollercoaster ride in performance, influenced by speculative investments in disruptive technologies, serves as a cautionary tale for investors.

    Larry Swedroe’s wisdom is clear: investors should tune out market forecasts and strategists and adhere to well-crafted investment plans. Instead of chasing returns or following the latest headlines, the focus should remain on executing well-thought-out plans. He cautions against hasty reactions driven by market noise.

    For those seeking a financial advisor or aiming to reevaluate their investment strategies, we extend an invitation to connect with us. Our goal is to help you minimize financial stress and maximize your life’s potential through informed, tailored financial decisions.

    We’ll be interviewing Larry on several podcasts regarding markets, passive investing, and diversification, so be sure to subscribe to our Intelligent Money Minute podcasts.

    Larry was among the first authors to publish a book that explained the science of investing in layman’s terms, “The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You’ll Ever Need.” He has since authored seven more books.

    Larry Swedroe Bio

    Since joining Buckingham Strategic Wealth in 1996, Chief Research Officer Larry Swedroe has spent his time and energy educating investors on the benefits of evidence-based investing.

    • 10 min
    What Should You Do When an Asset Class Falls Out of Favor?

    What Should You Do When an Asset Class Falls Out of Favor?

    In this episode of Intelligent Money Minute, I had the pleasure of interviewing Larry Swedroe, head of Financial and Economic Research at Buckingham Strategic Wealth, on what an intelligent investor should do when an asset class falls out of favor.

    All Risk Investments: Enduring the Ebb and Flow

    Larry emphasizes a fundamental truth: every risk investment, whether it’s stocks, bonds, commodities, or others, experiences prolonged periods of underperformance. Investors often underestimate these cycles, mistakenly assuming that three, five, or even ten years are lengthy evaluation periods. However, historical evidence proves otherwise, with instances where the S&P 500 trailed behind treasury bills for 13-year durations occurring three times since 1929.

    The crux of Larry’s advice centers on diversification across various unique risks, aligning with one’s risk tolerance. This strategy, substantiated in his book, “Your Complete Guide to Factor-Based Investing,” promotes the inclusion of assets proven to offer premiums over time. Diversifying globally and including varied sources of risk—be it stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies—reduces dependency on any single investment, mitigating the impact when a particular asset class is out of favor.

    Intelligent Investing: A Holistic Approach

    Larry Swedroe’s wisdom underscores the importance of persistence and diversification in an investor’s journey. When faced with an asset class in decline, staying committed to a diversified strategy tailored to individual risk tolerances is key. We invite you to engage with us in exploring your unique risk profile and leveraging our financial technology to fortify your investment journey.

    For those seeking a financial advisor or aiming to reevaluate their investment strategies, we extend an invitation to connect with us. Our goal is to help you minimize financial stress and maximize your life’s potential through informed, tailored financial decisions.

    We’ll be interviewing Larry on several podcasts regarding markets, passive investing, and diversification, so be sure to subscribe to our Intelligent Money Minute podcasts.

    Larry was among the first authors to publish a book that explained the science of investing in layman’s terms, “The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You’ll Ever Need.” He has since authored seven more books.

    Larry Swedroe Bio

    Since joining Buckingham Strategic Wealth in 1996, Chief Research Officer Larry Swedroe has spent his time and energy educating investors on the benefits of evidence-based investing.

    In his role as chief research officer and as a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee and Board of Directors, Larry regularly reviews the findings published in dozens of peer-reviewed financial journals, evaluates the outcomes and uses the result to inform the firm’s formal investment strategy recommendations.

    Larry’s dedication to helping others has made him a sought-after national speaker. He has made appearances on national television shows airing on NBC, CNBC, CNN and Bloomberg Personal Finance. Larry is a prolific writer, contributing regularly to multiple outlets, including Advisor Perspectives and ETF.com.

    Before joining Buckingham, Larry was vice chairman of Prudential Home Mortgage and senior vice president at Citicorp.

    Larry holds an MBA in finance and investment from NYU and a bachelor’s degree in finance from Baruch College.

    • 9 min
    Assessing Risk in Your Small Business

    Assessing Risk in Your Small Business

    In this episode, we had the pleasure of interviewing Bethany Winston, owner, and Editor-in-Chief of Kidding Around Greenville, as she shares valuable insights on assessing risk in your small business.

    Small Business Financial Risk: The Peaks and Valleys

    At Intelligent Investing, we emphasize four dimensions of risk:

    * Your willingness to take on risk

    * Your ability to manage risk

    * Your need for risk to meet your financial goals

    * The actual risk present in your investment portfolio 

    Bethany Winston highlighted the financial challenges inherent to her small business, which relies predominantly on advertising revenue. It’s not uncommon for income in this sector to fluctuate throughout the year. The feast-or-famine dynamic can make managing finances nerve-wracking

    Financial Safety Nets and Resilience

    Bethany wisely shared that she maintains a clear distinction between personal and business finances, a practice we strongly advocate. She sets aside specific amounts for personal income, ensuring that, even during lean periods, the business can continue to operate and pay employees.

    COVID-19 was a stark test for businesses. Bethany’s experience mirrored many entrepreneurs’, with traffic and client advertising taking a hit. However, she emphasized the importance of having a financial safety net to weather such storms. By diversifying her content and addressing the changed needs of her audience, she managed to not only stay afloat but also experienced increased traffic in 2020.COVID-19 was a stark test for businesses. Bethany’s experience mirrored many entrepreneurs’, with traffic and client advertising taking a hit. However, she emphasized the importance of having a financial safety net to weather such storms. By diversifying her content and addressing the changed needs of her audience, she managed to not only stay afloat but also experienced increased traffic in 2020.

    Living Below Your Means: A Wise Financial Habit

    We discussed the critical principle of living below your means, which acts as a buffer during times of financial stress. Having a game plan and the ability to pivot is pivotal to surviving and thriving through challenging times. Risk management is at the core of Intelligent Investing’s financial strategies. We offer a complimentary risk assessment to help you understand your risk tolerance and assess your portfolio’s risk. Reach out to us to get started.

    Small business owners face unique financial risks and rewards. When it comes to risk management, especially in your finances and financial goals, we encourage a prudent, diversified approach. The COVID-19 crisis highlighted the importance of having a financial safety net. Ensuring you can manage expenses and continue operations during challenging periods is crucial. We always advocate living below your means and having a solid financial game plan in place to navigate financial uncertainties.

    We’ll be interviewing Bethany on several podcasts regarding markets, passive investing, and diversification, so be sure to subscribe to our Intelligent Money Minute podcasts.

    Bethany Winston Bio

    Bethany Winston is the owner and editor-in-chief of Kidding Around Greenville & Kidding Around Spartanburg. She enjoys exploring parks, discovering local events, and meeting the people who make Greenville an amazing place to live.

    Kidding Around Greenville is known for tapping into the heart of Greenville and bringing readers firsthand reviews of the best things to do and see in the Upstate and Southeast region. Readers use Kidding Around® to find things to do, places to visit, and businesses and resources they need,

    • 6 min

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