46 min

Interdisciplining Theology: How the Psychological Sciences Help Theological Studies Currents in Religion

    • Religion

Summary: In this episode, Zen speaks with the Primary and Co-Investigators of “Illuminating Theological Inquiry and Christian Ethics Through Training in Psychological Science,” a 2.5 million dollar John Templeton Foundation grant. Sarah Schnitker, Devan Stahl, Natalie Carnes, and Anne Jeffrey—who are Baylor faculty—share about grant and how its already helping to cultivate connections between the scholars of religion and the psychological sciences.

Themes: interdisciplinary research, psychology and religion, research methods

Additional Resources:

• Information on the grant: https://ethics.web.baylor.edu/project-overview

Relevant Baylor Press Books:

• Devan Stahl, Bioenhancement Technologies and the Vulnerable Body (https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481318273/bioenhancement-technologies-and-the-vulnerable-body/)

• Drew Collins and Matthew Croasmun (eds.), What Is the Good Life? Perspectives from Religion, Philosophy, and Psychology (https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481318013/what-is-the-good-life/)

Summary: In this episode, Zen speaks with the Primary and Co-Investigators of “Illuminating Theological Inquiry and Christian Ethics Through Training in Psychological Science,” a 2.5 million dollar John Templeton Foundation grant. Sarah Schnitker, Devan Stahl, Natalie Carnes, and Anne Jeffrey—who are Baylor faculty—share about grant and how its already helping to cultivate connections between the scholars of religion and the psychological sciences.

Themes: interdisciplinary research, psychology and religion, research methods

Additional Resources:

• Information on the grant: https://ethics.web.baylor.edu/project-overview

Relevant Baylor Press Books:

• Devan Stahl, Bioenhancement Technologies and the Vulnerable Body (https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481318273/bioenhancement-technologies-and-the-vulnerable-body/)

• Drew Collins and Matthew Croasmun (eds.), What Is the Good Life? Perspectives from Religion, Philosophy, and Psychology (https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481318013/what-is-the-good-life/)

46 min