28 min

Interview with Emma Criddle, 9 Year-Old Entrepreneur, Author & Podcaster SQUARE UP WITH GRAYSQUARE

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode of Square Up with GraySquare, we interviewed Emma Criddle and her father Jason Criddle about their businesses and successes. Emma Criddle started her own podcast back in 2016 at only 6 years old after falling in love with books. Inspired by Reading Rainbow and her father's brands, she began recording books for a nonprofit operating out of Tanzania, with kids that could only listen to audio online due to limited 2G and 3G internet access. The kids wanted books for Christmas, so she delivered them stories. Emma is now on a path to teach school-aged children the importance of reading, writing, and starting their own brands. Entrepreneurship is her passion, and she realizes kids can contribute to their families, too. So, after partnering up with the Smartr brands, we are launching The Kids' Publishing Company! Built to help kids publish their own books, start their own brands, and to bring the love and gift of business, reading, and writing to children all over the globe! 
Jason Criddle Criddle is a millennial business leader with a passion for helping entrepreneurs and business-minded individuals succeed, while focusing on the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of what it takes to drive greatness within one self. He has been running the Smartr brands since the creation of The Smartr App Company in 2015. Now, as the Creative Director of SmartrHoldings, Jason Criddle provides exclusive services to entrepreneurs and small and large businesses alike.
To get in contact with Emma & Jason Criddle, follow the links below:
Podcast: Story Time with Emma
Book: Designs by Emma
The Kids’ Publishing Company: https://thekidspublishingcompany.com/ 
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/thekidspublishingcompany
Jason Criddle website: https://jasoncriddle.com/
SmartrHoldings: https://smartrholdings.com/

In this episode of Square Up with GraySquare, we interviewed Emma Criddle and her father Jason Criddle about their businesses and successes. Emma Criddle started her own podcast back in 2016 at only 6 years old after falling in love with books. Inspired by Reading Rainbow and her father's brands, she began recording books for a nonprofit operating out of Tanzania, with kids that could only listen to audio online due to limited 2G and 3G internet access. The kids wanted books for Christmas, so she delivered them stories. Emma is now on a path to teach school-aged children the importance of reading, writing, and starting their own brands. Entrepreneurship is her passion, and she realizes kids can contribute to their families, too. So, after partnering up with the Smartr brands, we are launching The Kids' Publishing Company! Built to help kids publish their own books, start their own brands, and to bring the love and gift of business, reading, and writing to children all over the globe! 
Jason Criddle Criddle is a millennial business leader with a passion for helping entrepreneurs and business-minded individuals succeed, while focusing on the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of what it takes to drive greatness within one self. He has been running the Smartr brands since the creation of The Smartr App Company in 2015. Now, as the Creative Director of SmartrHoldings, Jason Criddle provides exclusive services to entrepreneurs and small and large businesses alike.
To get in contact with Emma & Jason Criddle, follow the links below:
Podcast: Story Time with Emma
Book: Designs by Emma
The Kids’ Publishing Company: https://thekidspublishingcompany.com/ 
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/thekidspublishingcompany
Jason Criddle website: https://jasoncriddle.com/
SmartrHoldings: https://smartrholdings.com/

28 min