35 min

Invisible Illnesses with Laurie Magulac Brave Together: A Podcast for Disability Parenting

    • Parenting

Laurie Magulac returns to the Brave Together podcast to speak with Jessica about invisible illnesses… how do we advocate for children with unseen special needs, how do we set boundaries with family and friends that do not understand, and what is it like to teach a child to advocate for themselves as they grow?Laurie Magulac is a life coach, educator, and mother of four, ages twelve to young adult. Special needs parenting found her the day she brought home two bouncy foster siblings with, it t...

Laurie Magulac returns to the Brave Together podcast to speak with Jessica about invisible illnesses… how do we advocate for children with unseen special needs, how do we set boundaries with family and friends that do not understand, and what is it like to teach a child to advocate for themselves as they grow?Laurie Magulac is a life coach, educator, and mother of four, ages twelve to young adult. Special needs parenting found her the day she brought home two bouncy foster siblings with, it t...

35 min