23 min

Jacob Perkins - Speed skiing, engineering and mindset. The road to the Olympics Resilience Unravelled

    • Mental Health

Like all high level sport speed skiing is about failure, rectification, incremental gains and constant evolution. It’s an extremely tough sport mentally and physically – you know you'll have crashes but you have to have a long-term vision and know where you’re tying to go.
You have to put goals in place that are incremental – you’re not going to get to your end goal of skiing at 200 kms an hour on your first run but you can set goals to get towards it and look at it with a long term perspective.
In this podcast:
Jacob explains exactly what speed skiing isHow he manages the anxiety that comes with skiing at over 100mphHow his speed skiing and engineering careers overlap

Like all high level sport speed skiing is about failure, rectification, incremental gains and constant evolution. It’s an extremely tough sport mentally and physically – you know you'll have crashes but you have to have a long-term vision and know where you’re tying to go.
You have to put goals in place that are incremental – you’re not going to get to your end goal of skiing at 200 kms an hour on your first run but you can set goals to get towards it and look at it with a long term perspective.
In this podcast:
Jacob explains exactly what speed skiing isHow he manages the anxiety that comes with skiing at over 100mphHow his speed skiing and engineering careers overlap

23 min