10 min

JavaScript Enumeration for bug bounty hunters Hack for Fun and Profit

    • How To

JavaScript Enumeration is a critical skill to have if you want to level  up your penetration testing or bug bounty hunting game. Yet, not  everyone does it, partly because it is a boring exercise or it consumes  most of your time, not to mention how intimidated you might feel reading  someone else’s code. Today, we will explore this topic and understand  why it matters, and how you can perform it.   

Further reads mentioned in the video: 





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JavaScript Enumeration is a critical skill to have if you want to level  up your penetration testing or bug bounty hunting game. Yet, not  everyone does it, partly because it is a boring exercise or it consumes  most of your time, not to mention how intimidated you might feel reading  someone else’s code. Today, we will explore this topic and understand  why it matters, and how you can perform it.   

Further reads mentioned in the video: 





Download your FREE Web hacking LAB:  https://thehackerish.com/owasp-top-10-lab-vm-free 

Read more on the blog: https://thehackerish.com 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thehackerish 

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehackerish

10 min