59 min

Jay Warren: Be the Expert Create Loud

    • Self-Improvement

Whether you're a long-time subscriber of Create Loud or brand new to the game (welcome btw), we figure our main message is clear: we are here to inspire and motivate you to follow your dreams, whatever that may be.

Right now, we want to inspire change. We want to #ShareBlackStories and amplify voices that need to be heard. It's certainly a start.

In this episode, we had the pleasure chatting with a dream guest of ours! JAY WARREN! He's is a Salt Lake City based recording artist with a ton of dreams. Not only did he share some of his marketing advice with us, he also shared his thoughts on racism in America and how we can educate ourselves. We absolutely loved our conversation with Jay and know you will, too! We hope it motivates you to make the world a better place. #BlackLivesMatter

Make sure you check out jywrrn.com and follow him on all social media platforms! @jywrrn

Any idea who we should interview next? We want to hear from you! Send us a message on Facebook or send us an email at podcast@createloud.org. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or visit createloud.org

Whether you're a long-time subscriber of Create Loud or brand new to the game (welcome btw), we figure our main message is clear: we are here to inspire and motivate you to follow your dreams, whatever that may be.

Right now, we want to inspire change. We want to #ShareBlackStories and amplify voices that need to be heard. It's certainly a start.

In this episode, we had the pleasure chatting with a dream guest of ours! JAY WARREN! He's is a Salt Lake City based recording artist with a ton of dreams. Not only did he share some of his marketing advice with us, he also shared his thoughts on racism in America and how we can educate ourselves. We absolutely loved our conversation with Jay and know you will, too! We hope it motivates you to make the world a better place. #BlackLivesMatter

Make sure you check out jywrrn.com and follow him on all social media platforms! @jywrrn

Any idea who we should interview next? We want to hear from you! Send us a message on Facebook or send us an email at podcast@createloud.org. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or visit createloud.org

59 min