56 min

Jeff Seckendorf's Journey as an Educator Juxtaposed Journeys

    • Entrepreneurship

This episode covers Jeff Seckendorf, who’s the founder of United Team Diving (UTD) Scuba Diving, which is a successful global scuba training and certification agency. Jeff also started Coach Me Strong as a result of the pandemic, which is an exercise coaching company for people with Parkinson’s disease, other neurological diseases, or even people who are just getting a little older in age. Jeff has a powerful documentary titled “It Seems Like Magic, But it’s Science,” where a group of 10 individuals, three with Parkinson’s Disease, make their way to Mt. Everest Base Camp.
The conversation ranges from how UTD Scuba Diving got started, to Jeff’s involvement in the Parkinson’s community, and even all the training he’s doing to set a new record in his age group in cycling. Jeff clearly has a very diverse and interesting background, with each facet intertwining and playing a role into who he is as a person, and the things he contributes to the world.
UTD Scuba Diving: https://utdscubadiving.com/
Coach Me Strong: https://coachmestrong.com/
Jeff’s Personal Website: https://www.jeffreyseckendorf.com/
UTD Scuba Diving on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unifiedteamdiving
UTD Scuba Diving on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/unified-team-diving/
UTD Scuba Diving on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFVUZBRJJ6gSC4inf8gM7A
UTD Scuba Diving Podcast on Spotify:
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Interested in being featured in a future episode? Find Juxtaposed Journeys on PodMatch and request an interview, or send an e-mail to juxtaposedjourneys@gmail.com for further inquiries.

This episode covers Jeff Seckendorf, who’s the founder of United Team Diving (UTD) Scuba Diving, which is a successful global scuba training and certification agency. Jeff also started Coach Me Strong as a result of the pandemic, which is an exercise coaching company for people with Parkinson’s disease, other neurological diseases, or even people who are just getting a little older in age. Jeff has a powerful documentary titled “It Seems Like Magic, But it’s Science,” where a group of 10 individuals, three with Parkinson’s Disease, make their way to Mt. Everest Base Camp.
The conversation ranges from how UTD Scuba Diving got started, to Jeff’s involvement in the Parkinson’s community, and even all the training he’s doing to set a new record in his age group in cycling. Jeff clearly has a very diverse and interesting background, with each facet intertwining and playing a role into who he is as a person, and the things he contributes to the world.
UTD Scuba Diving: https://utdscubadiving.com/
Coach Me Strong: https://coachmestrong.com/
Jeff’s Personal Website: https://www.jeffreyseckendorf.com/
UTD Scuba Diving on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unifiedteamdiving
UTD Scuba Diving on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/unified-team-diving/
UTD Scuba Diving on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFVUZBRJJ6gSC4inf8gM7A
UTD Scuba Diving Podcast on Spotify:
Follow Juxtaposed Journeys on Social Media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JuxtaposedJourneys
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JuxJourneysPod
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juxtaposedjourneys/
Interested in being featured in a future episode? Find Juxtaposed Journeys on PodMatch and request an interview, or send an e-mail to juxtaposedjourneys@gmail.com for further inquiries.

56 min