31 min

Jeremy Coffey on Good Soles and Providing Opportunity Maybe I'm Amazed

    • Personal Journals

Dr. Howell talks with Jeremy Coffey, founder of Good Soles, an organization that provides steel-toed boots and non-slip shoes to our neighbors in need while they transition out of homelessness. Good Soles was born out of a random act of kindness at a stop light and has provided more than 6,500 pairs of footwear over the last five years.

Dr. Howell talks with Jeremy Coffey, founder of Good Soles, an organization that provides steel-toed boots and non-slip shoes to our neighbors in need while they transition out of homelessness. Good Soles was born out of a random act of kindness at a stop light and has provided more than 6,500 pairs of footwear over the last five years.

31 min