Jessica Zollman, also known as "jayzombie," is a self-taught photographer from San Francisco who is currently based in Los Angeles, California. Jessica was Instagram's fifth employee and first female hire back in 2011, and served as their Community Evangelist for nearly two years. She also spent a season working at a little company called Facebook. In 2013 she set out on her own to pursue her passion for taking pictures full-time. I put a call out on my own Instagram story, asking if anyone would be open to talking about drugs on the podcast, and I was over the moon when Jessica responded. She’s a fellow lover of bright colors, Los Angeles, and being an authentic human, so it was an absolute joy to have her over to my place to record this podcast.
Jessica's Photography: JAYZOMBIE
Jessica on Insta: @jayzombie
Jessica on Twitter: @jayzombie
The #CamerasandDancers series Jessica mentions
The Charlotte's Web CBD Oil Jessica talks about
Caroline Lee
Caroline on Insta: @teamwoodnote
Caroline on Twitter: @teamwoodnote
Out of Line on Insta: @outoflinepodcast
Out of Line on Facebook: Out of Line with Caroline Lee
email Caroline:
- Show
- PublishedNovember 8, 2017 at 7:00 AM UTC
- Length1h 10m
- Episode16
- RatingExplicit