33 min

Josh Dobson - Mortgage Dad & Social Media Star REL Freedom Podcast

    • Entrepreneurship

As the real estate and lending market had changed, Josh Dobson knew he needed to adapt. While much of his mortgage business came from real estate agent referrals, he needed to pivot and get straight to the consumer. Insert @MortgageDadOf3. Through trial and error and adjusting his message to resonate with the consumer, and not seeing significant results for almost 18 months, Josh has now built a social media following of 115,000 on Instagram and 63,000 on Tiktok! He's dancing, he's educating,...

As the real estate and lending market had changed, Josh Dobson knew he needed to adapt. While much of his mortgage business came from real estate agent referrals, he needed to pivot and get straight to the consumer. Insert @MortgageDadOf3. Through trial and error and adjusting his message to resonate with the consumer, and not seeing significant results for almost 18 months, Josh has now built a social media following of 115,000 on Instagram and 63,000 on Tiktok! He's dancing, he's educating,...

33 min