151 episodes

Real, Raw and Unfiltered Conversations exploring the Intersection between Personal and Business Growth with Women Entrepreneurs, Authors, Artists and more. Host, Traci DeForge, internationally recognized business development strategist, discuss details of her own personal journeys and talks about her obstacles, barriers and how she is growing through them.

Journey to There Traci Long DeForge

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 52 Ratings

Real, Raw and Unfiltered Conversations exploring the Intersection between Personal and Business Growth with Women Entrepreneurs, Authors, Artists and more. Host, Traci DeForge, internationally recognized business development strategist, discuss details of her own personal journeys and talks about her obstacles, barriers and how she is growing through them.

    Is It a Reboot or Is It a Renaissance?

    Is It a Reboot or Is It a Renaissance?

    Happy 8th Podversary to Journey to There! Life is a journey full of twists and turns, and this podcast is no exception. New adventures, new lessons, and even some  life lessons from Finn! Catch up with Journey to There podcast host, Traci DeForge as she reflects on her journey through life's highs and lows and shares her musings on love, light, and joy
    Before I officially titled this episode I asked myself… is this new iteration of the J2T podcast a reboot or a renaissance? I felt like it was the latter but honestly, I had to look up the definition to be certain! 
    a revival of or renewed interest in something.
    noun: renaissance; plural noun: renaissances
    Alas, it is a true renaissance! 
    Today is the 8th Podversary of Journey to There and with any anniversary comes reflection. Some of which are bittersweet. Why did I let some much time lapse? What if I had kept it moving forward? Is it worth bringing it back? 
    I need to reign in the negative self-talk that’s ramping up fast because I want to indulge in some good ole fashion flogging with thoughts like, “I own a damn full service production company. How could I let this happen?” The answer is I didn’t “let” anything happen. Life happened. 
    So, let’s catch up! 
    The pandemic impacted everyone individually and collectively. I’m still sorting through the whirlwind effect it had on our lives including the fact that I still don’t have my full ensemble of taste buds back but I digress. 
    My husband and I left the South Florida seaside life for the mountains of Taos, NM in 2020. This literal journey came with high expectations and ended with some bottomed out emotional disappointments. 
    My salve of course was to bury myself neck deep in Produce Your Podcast which resulted in 3X growth. Yay! But if you’ve listened to any previous episodes of this podcast then you know…building successful businesses has never been my challenge. Building a successful personal life is my never ending life lesson. Times haven’t changed that much. 
    We left Taos and made a pit stop in Tucson, Az for a year. I was so checked out of my life that I literally justified the decision to live in a town that held no interest for me and wasn’t remotely close to any of my friends and family. My brain told me none of that mattered because my focus needed to be on growing the business and that was all I was planning on doing anyway. Never underestimate the power of a work addicted brain. 
    And now, a new adventure has begun with an International move to Mexico. I’m reconnected to my seaside life which I affectionately refer to as my sea -soul life. Although, I’m still not remotely geographically close to friends and family- they are a lot more likely to visit me here. We also added a new addition to the family. His name is Finn and he is a 100lb Golden Doodle who everyone should take their life lessons from… 
    1. Always be up for an adventure 
    2. Every day brings a new chance to experience joy 
    3. If you live for naps and snacks the rest will take care of itself. 
    It’s fair to say I’m still on my journey to there; thus the renaissance of the podcast. I’ve learned a few new lessons along the way and come through the other side of some stuff aka sh*t and ready to share my musings with you. 
    I’m looking forward to this next chapter of the pod. I want us to connect, hang out and learn from each other. I'm rebooting without putting any pressure on myself. I’m not setting any specific goals on how many episodes there will be and when they will be released. I’m giving myself grace. I’m giving myself permission to be creative in

    • 5 min
    Encore - Finding Your Voice to Move from a Survivor to a Thriver

    Encore - Finding Your Voice to Move from a Survivor to a Thriver

    Did you know that keeping traumas unresolved can result in lowering expectations of how others should treat us? It is not an easy process to face our early childhood traumas. That’s why it’s important to create a safe space where you can share whatever it is that you need to share. And no matter how difficult the healing process is, feeling stuck in your own life is always worse. Tune in to this episode of Journey to There to hear the experiences and wisdom of Tambry Harris, a spiritual and life coach who went through the process of peeling the layers of trauma and now is helping others do the same thing and get to the other side where we feel loved and free.  In This Episode: [03:00] How childhood abuse influenced Tambry’s adult life. [08:15] The importance of having someone to share your fears with.   [10:28] How does shame affect us in keeping secrets? [13:30] Tambry had a sense of not being worthy for a long time. Here’s how she understood where this feeling came from.  [15:30] How keeping traumas unresolved can result in lowering expectations of how others should treat us? [18:40] Where to start the healing process when we feel stuck? [25:00] People pleasers tend to surround themselves with “predators” who will take advantage of them. [28:10] The importance of slowing down and paying attention to what is happening inside of our bodies and minds. 
    Key Takeaways: It’s really helpful to have someone you can be vulnerable with, no matter what it is that you need to share. We need to talk about our traumas and what hurt us because it’s the only way we'll understand it and finally let it go.   You deserve to be loved. You need to claim it.  It takes a lot of courage to face your fears, but the freedom on the other side is always worth it. 
    Links Mentioned:
    Facebook: survivorstothriversofficial
    Twitter: survivorstothrivers 
    Insta: survivorstothrivers
    LinkedIn: Tambry Harris
    Tambry is a spiritual director as well as a leadership and life coach who helps others claim their best selves and lives. This involves clients looking objectively at their innate character and abilities and intentionally embracing their whole selves.
    Her twenty years of coaching and seven years of spiritual direction translate into her work with survivors of abuse through the Going Forward: Survivors to Thrivers organization. She has a Master’s in Applied Psychology and certifications in the areas of Leadership Coaching, Spiritual Direction, Change Management, and Diversity.
    Tambry found her voice, named her truth, and created a vision to help others who have experienced the pain and shame of abuse find healing, strength, and freedom. Through her organization, Going Forward: Survivors to Thrivers, she provides individual guidance, retreats, and speaking engagements to bring awareness and light into the shame and silence of abuse and trauma.
    Her calling is to inspire people to move beyond the initial awareness and therapy to a new level of wholeness that comes with claiming their...

    • 39 min
    Take Back Your Health With Guest Noosheen Hashemi

    Take Back Your Health With Guest Noosheen Hashemi

    It’s time to start viewing your health as wealth. In this episode of Journey to There, I have an in depth conversation with the phenomenal Noosheen Hashemi. Noosheen is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist, and founder and CEO of January.ai, a health tech company that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to prevent, predict, and postpone chronic disease. Its mission is to empower people to take back their health through knowledge and self-advocating. Noosheen and I discuss the importance of early detection, why generic advice doesn’t work on an individual level, and the impact artificial intelligence can have on your health. Listen to discover how to start taking back your health today!
    In This Episode:
    [01:44] The long journey that lead Nosheen to machine learning and healthcare [05:36] How Covid-19 has changed the structure and nature of our working days [07:22] What inspired Nosheen to take a bet on herself and start her own company [10:22] How Nosheen’s company, January.ai, is addressing staggering diabetes statistics by helping people predict and prevent illness [16:11] Why generic advice doesn’t work, specifically when it comes to sugar [19:07] The power of AI, the years of hard work and research it took to get here, and what the future holds [21:33] How you can take back your health starting today
    Key Takeaways:
    Early detection is key, especially when it comes to diabetes. The further into diabetes that you progress, the fewer options you have, and the worse your trade offs become.  With January.ai, you’re able to make better decisions about what you eat and what you purchase for yourself, giving you more control to still eat what you want to eat. AI has a huge role in bringing access to people who don't have it today because they can't afford this phenomenal tech. Keep asking why and you will come up with the answers. The earlier you catch things, the more you know about your health, the more you can self-advocate, and the better your chances are of preventing disease further down the road. 
    Noosheen Hashemi is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. She is the founder and CEO of January.ai, a seed-stage precision health tech company that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to prevent, predict, and postpone chronic disease. She also manages a family office that includes diverse investments in over 100 companies and venture capital funds. She is the founder of the HAND Foundation, focused on supporting scholars and organizations that promote socio economic growth among the disenfranchised. She lives in San Francisco.
    Links Mentioned:

    • 27 min
    Find Your Joy through Human Design With Guest Kelsey Abbott

    Find Your Joy through Human Design With Guest Kelsey Abbott

    It’s more important than ever to find joy in this world. In today’s episode of Journey to There, I chat with Kelsey Abbott about the importance of finding your joy through Human Design. Kelsey is an Intuitive Human Design Reader and certified professional coach who is a manifesting generator - living her life by her design and finding (and helping others find) joy. Join us as we take a deep dive into the importance of understanding Human Design and using it to find your truth, break out of your cages, and find your own “awesome.” This is the permission you’ve been waiting for!
    In This Episode:
    [02:46] Kelsey’s journey from Marine Biologist to Human Design Reader/Coach [06:29] Training for triathlons as play? [12:53] Breaking down the 5 different energy types  [18:26] The value in understanding your design to find your joy (and deal with business bullies) [21:20] The power of letting go of the “not this” to discover the “this” [25:57] Weeding through advice meant for the masses instead of the individual [30:50] The gift of grace and charm and communicating clearly [35:12] Kelsey’s biggest takeaway for you to start finding your “awesome” today
    Key Takeaways:
    Understanding your own Human Design is your biggest permission slip to be who you are meant to be. Humans are not made for cages. We are not meant to be conformed to a box, labeled and distilled in a single way.  You have all the answers within you. However, it can take some digging to find them. A coach can help bring the answers right out of you, because those are the answers that are going to be true for you. Those are the ones that are going to be aligned with your soul. Telling the truth to yourself, the universe, and other people will lead you to finding your joy and following it.
    Kelsey Abbott is an intuitive Human Design Reader, a Certified Professional Coach, Instigator of Joy, and the host of the Find Your Awesome podcast. She helps spiritual adventurers remember who they are and why they’re here so they amplify their impact and send ripples of light across the planet—all with ease, joy, flow, magic, and miracles. She believes that the universe wants us to be sparklyAF and that joy is our natural state. When Kelsey isn't playing in her business, she's bringing curiosity, play, and joy to triathlon--a sport she races as an elite amateur. After a decade in Maine and 16 months of traveling around the U.S. in a small camper, Kelsey now lives in Sarasota, Florida with her husband. In case you haven't guessed, Kelsey is a Manifesting Generator living her design and following the joy.
    Links Mentioned:
    Kelsey’s website 
    Kelsey’s podcast 
    Martha Beck’s podcast, Bewildered

    • 37 min
    Start Where You Are: Moving From Fear to Hope

    Start Where You Are: Moving From Fear to Hope

    During this last year, Covid taught us that we don’t have control over our lives. We are living through anger, pain, sadness, and many other emotions including one of our most powerful emotions, vulnerability. The guest of today’s episode is Cheryl Holling, an award winning voice over talent and host of the podcast 19 Stories; From Fear to Hope. In today’s conversation, she shares why life is just beginning at 55 and how she is using her voice to create a platform for other people’s stories to be heard. 
    In This Episode:
    [07:08] Cheryl’s early radio days started when she decided to continue her dad’s legacy.  [13:23] Cheryl is sharing other people’s stories in her podcast 19Stories. But how did Covid-19 affect her life?   [20:20] The moment when Cheryl felt experienced imposter syndrome. [12:05] Once you understand the value of self-care, you will prioritize it more frequently.  [24:55] Why it’s important to empower people to start where they are, regardless of who they are or how old they are.  [29:30] Although it’s 2021, unfortunately, ageism is still present. [36:45] How Covid has influenced our ability to manage the fact that we don’t have control over our lives. [42:00] What is Cheryl’s message for those who want to move from fear to hope?
    Key Takeaways:
    Life can actually begin at 55, no matter what we get from the messages in the media  Vulnerability is a gift we need to give to ourselves more often and inspire others to do the same.  Start where you are. No matter how old you are or what your background is. It’s really never too late. 
    Cheryl was packaged in Canada and distributed in Los Angeles. She grew up around music and acting, a passion for radio and the different mediums of communication, immersion in the arts & being of service. That translated into a diverse career both in front of and behind the mic and camera. It's also afforded her a unique insight into a myriad of production environments, the demands of each one, and the ability to use discretion, diplomacy, and respect for all the players involved in a project. Not to mention the value of delivering content on time. 
    Cheryl followed her love of music by doing national radio & record promotion for some of the top Jazz artists in the business and served as a music host on numerous NPR stations in California. She used her handmade leather satchel to carry music to the station and referred to it as her “sound satchel” and named one of her shows ‘The Sound Satchel’. It became the obvious choice when naming her business and voice-over studio.
    After 10+ years of promotion, Cheryl pursued her other love and went to New York for a brief study at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Upon returning to L.A., she continued studying acting, improv with Second City, joined SAG, and enjoyed a modicum of success in tv & film before being presented with the opportunity to be an ad agency commercial producer. 
    Cheryl also had the great pleasure to work as Talent Producer on the Writers Guild of America, West, Award Show for two years, and prior to that, served as the show’s first female live announcer. 
    She resides in the Bay Area and shortly after building her dream voice studio out of a former recording studio, the Tubbs fire affected the adjoining business and she moved her voice services in-house. She’s also back doing some on-camera work for locally filmed productions and corporate training. 
    Links Mentioned:
    a href=...

    • 46 min
    Finding Your Voice to Move from a Survivor to a Thriver

    Finding Your Voice to Move from a Survivor to a Thriver

    Did you know that keeping traumas unresolved can result in lowering expectations of how others should treat us? It is not an easy process to face our early childhood traumas. That’s why it’s important to create a safe space where you can share whatever it is that you need to share. And no matter how difficult the healing process is, feeling stuck in your own life is always worse. Tune in to this episode of Journey to There to hear the experiences and wisdom of Tambry Harris, a spiritual and life coach who went through the process of peeling the layers of trauma and now is helping others do the same thing and get to the other side where we feel loved and free. 
    In This Episode:
    [03:00] How childhood abuse influenced Tambry’s adult life. [08:15] The importance of having someone to share your fears with.   [10:28] How does shame affect us in keeping secrets? [13:30] Tambry had a sense of not being worthy for a long time. Here’s how she understood where this feeling came from.  [15:30] How keeping traumas unresolved can result in lowering expectations of how others should treat us? [18:40] Where to start the healing process when we feel stuck? [25:00] People pleasers tend to surround themselves with “predators” who will take advantage of them.  [28:10] The importance of slowing down and paying attention to what is happening inside of our bodies and minds. 
    Key Takeaways:
    It’s really helpful to have someone you can be vulnerable with, no matter what it is that you need to share. We need to talk about our traumas and what hurt us because it’s the only way we'll understand it and finally let it go.   You deserve to be loved. You need to claim it.  It takes a lot of courage to face your fears, but the freedom on the other side is always worth it. 
    Links Mentioned:
    Facebook: survivorstothriversofficial
    Twitter: survivorstothrivers@GFS2T
    Instagram: survivorstothrivers
    LinkedIn: Tambry Harris
    Tambry is a spiritual director as well as a leadership and life coach who helps others claim their best selves and lives. This involves clients looking objectively at their innate character and abilities and intentionally embracing their whole selves.
    Her twenty years of coaching and seven years of spiritual direction translate into her work with survivors of abuse through the Going Forward: Survivors to Thrivers organization. She has a Master’s in Applied Psychology and certifications in the areas of Leadership Coaching, Spiritual Direction, Change Management, and Diversity.
    Tambry found her voice, named her truth, and created a vision to help others who have experienced the pain and shame of abuse find healing, strength, and freedom. Through her organization, Going Forward: Survivors to Thrivers, she provides individual guidance, retreats, and speaking engagements to bring awareness and light into the shame and silence of abuse and trauma.
    Her calling is to inspire people to move...

    • 39 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
52 Ratings

52 Ratings

healthnut88 ,

Love this podcast!

I love the energy, insights and motivation Traci & her guests offer on this podcast. I highly recommend this podcast for growing your business!

LauraSpetersen ,

Love Traci & Russ!

The hosts are class acts and so much fun!

After being interviewed on about 60 interviews now, I can really tell when hosts are talented at bringing out a great conversation that ties in from start to finish with a theme and actionable takeaways.

Such a pleasure to be a guest on that end of it! And I know it shines through as a listener too. This is a top quality show!

Chodogwu ,

Inspiration to win

Traci is an excellent podcaster. each episode is packed with positivity and principles to help you win the day and overcome innner challenges. Now part of my daily podcast diet.

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