Twelve + Twelve
This 5-episode drama series follows Brynne, a young nurse, who begins dating Paul, who is 12+12 years older than she is to the shock of her friends and family. Brynne inadvertently becomes implicated in the grief of Paul and his ex-wife mourning the death their daughter, who was Brynne’s age. The feelings of loss, grief, and love all come to the surface in this beautiful fiction podcast series. ~~~ From FICTIONZ, the makers of audio fiction like Jane Anonymous with Mina Sundwall and Michael Cimino. The first episode is free, but FICTIONZ+ subscribers get uninterrupted early access to all episodes. Learn more at ~~~ Produced by FICTIONZ. Written by Christine Sneed and directed by Carrie Blank. Starring Rachel Kenney, Nick Borraine, Jackie Gladstone, Holy Adams, and Estes Tarver. Follow us @fictionzpodcasts for updates!
第 1 季
- 共 5 集
- 頻道
- 創作者Fictionz
- 集數5
- 季數1
- 版權© 2022 Fictionz, LLC
- 節目網站
- 提供者