41 min

Jumping Head First into 1033 Credit Eco To Go

    • Business News

Season 4 of #CreditEcotoGo begins with an in-depth conversation about “data portability”. Section 1033 of Dodd-Frank authorized the #CFPB to write rules around personal financial data rights. Former CFPB Assistant Director, Corey Stone, joins the podcast to discuss the goals of 1033 and whether the proposals went far enough. The data landscape has changed since Congress included this “sleeper” section into the Act. Corey believes the last decade shows us that industry has caught up to w...

Season 4 of #CreditEcotoGo begins with an in-depth conversation about “data portability”. Section 1033 of Dodd-Frank authorized the #CFPB to write rules around personal financial data rights. Former CFPB Assistant Director, Corey Stone, joins the podcast to discuss the goals of 1033 and whether the proposals went far enough. The data landscape has changed since Congress included this “sleeper” section into the Act. Corey believes the last decade shows us that industry has caught up to w...

41 min