48 min

Kids' Music Kinda Sucks, Let's Change That Parent Tell

    • Parenting

This week on Parent Tell Kaila talks about revamping kids music with Jeff Fajans, a creative coach and musician. Jeff decided to write and produce his own children's music albums after realizing that what was already out there just wasn't cutting it. Using the name Mrboodaddy (because who said our AIM names would never come in handy in our adult lives), Jeff has created a new style of music for kids that is edgy, relatable, and also doesn't make parents want to immediately insert some earplug...

This week on Parent Tell Kaila talks about revamping kids music with Jeff Fajans, a creative coach and musician. Jeff decided to write and produce his own children's music albums after realizing that what was already out there just wasn't cutting it. Using the name Mrboodaddy (because who said our AIM names would never come in handy in our adult lives), Jeff has created a new style of music for kids that is edgy, relatable, and also doesn't make parents want to immediately insert some earplug...

48 min