22 min

Labor and Delivery Triage Procedure Ready: Ob/Gyn

    • Medicine

The OB One-Liner: “This is a _ yr old G_ P_ @_ wks GA here for ____.”
Ex: This is a 34yo G3P2002 @ 38wks3days GA here for contractions
Triage: 4 essential questions to ask every pregnant woman in triage
Contractions, leaking fluid, vaginal bleeding, fetal movement
What is labor? Cervical change and contractions
Evaluate for ROM: Pooling, nitrazine (pH), ferning.
Vaginal bleeding—when do we care? 2nd or 3rd trimester worry about placenta: abruption, previa, vasa previa
DFM: NSTs, BPPs, Kick counts

The OB One-Liner: “This is a _ yr old G_ P_ @_ wks GA here for ____.”
Ex: This is a 34yo G3P2002 @ 38wks3days GA here for contractions
Triage: 4 essential questions to ask every pregnant woman in triage
Contractions, leaking fluid, vaginal bleeding, fetal movement
What is labor? Cervical change and contractions
Evaluate for ROM: Pooling, nitrazine (pH), ferning.
Vaginal bleeding—when do we care? 2nd or 3rd trimester worry about placenta: abruption, previa, vasa previa
DFM: NSTs, BPPs, Kick counts

22 min