51 min

Land Line Now, April 10, 2024 Land Line Now

    • Business News

When the mandate for electronic logging devices began, so did the concerns about what hackers might be able to do if they were to gain access. And now we know it can be done – because researchers at Colorado State University did it. They tell us how they hacked an ELD, what happened when they did and what the implications could be. Then, Brent Hutto of Truckstop says there are signs of new life on the spot market.
0:00 – Newscast
10:22 – ELD vulnerabilities to cyberhackers
40:24 – Signs of life on the spot market

When the mandate for electronic logging devices began, so did the concerns about what hackers might be able to do if they were to gain access. And now we know it can be done – because researchers at Colorado State University did it. They tell us how they hacked an ELD, what happened when they did and what the implications could be. Then, Brent Hutto of Truckstop says there are signs of new life on the spot market.
0:00 – Newscast
10:22 – ELD vulnerabilities to cyberhackers
40:24 – Signs of life on the spot market

51 min