53 min

Leading on Mental Wellbeing: Rob Stephenson & Helen Richardson-Walsh What Does It Take To Win?

    • Management

The current environment has made us all take stock of how we manage wellbeing and mental health. This applies to individuals as much as it offers a challenge to leaders on how to create a environment that is conducive to supporting positive mental health and resilience.
“One of the great untapped performance opportunities is investing in the wellbeing of our people. Most organisations will say somewhere that our people are our greatest assets but yet they will invest more in servicing the photocopier”
In this episode we speak to leading mental health campaigner Rob Stephenson and gold medal winning hockey player Helen Richardson Walsh on their experiences of the impact of mental Health on individual and team performance and how the environment you are in can turn this into a performance advantage.

The current environment has made us all take stock of how we manage wellbeing and mental health. This applies to individuals as much as it offers a challenge to leaders on how to create a environment that is conducive to supporting positive mental health and resilience.
“One of the great untapped performance opportunities is investing in the wellbeing of our people. Most organisations will say somewhere that our people are our greatest assets but yet they will invest more in servicing the photocopier”
In this episode we speak to leading mental health campaigner Rob Stephenson and gold medal winning hockey player Helen Richardson Walsh on their experiences of the impact of mental Health on individual and team performance and how the environment you are in can turn this into a performance advantage.

53 min