1 hr 12 min

Leslie McGuirk Fashion Tech Forum: In The Studio

    • Marketing

Leslie McGuirk is a renowned astrologer, artist, author, product designer, and a truly remarkable human being. For this episode, timed intentionally with the end of this year and the beginning of the next, we wanted to take this opportunity to share Leslie’s exceptional gifts with you, our wonderful listeners, who we appreciate to no end.

On this podcast, Leslie shares with us her extraordinary journey of self discovery and evolution - spanning from her previously unrecognized talent as an artist and illustrator, to her deep passion for animals, nature and the Earth, which she brought to life as one of the first environmentalists to connect these aspects through product design with Takashimaya in Japan.

We also dive deeply into her gift for the esoteric science of astrology, where she explains to us that, as human beings, we each have our own individual design, which can be seen and interpreted through one’s astrological chart. As a result, we can become more aware of our own inherent traits and patterns - important insights that, once better understood, enable us to break through aspects that were once perceived barriers, to create the best conditions so that we can fully realize our potential. Leslie’s extraordinary talent, intellect and inherent compassion creates a unique recipe for illuminating these patterns, and has helped her clients all over the world understand their own unique design. Her approach is refreshing, honest, and has been nothing short of transformative for many, many people.

Most of us don’t realize that centuries ago, the science of astrology was both celebrated and highly valued by the highest ranking members of many societies around the world… even Carl Jung refused to work with a patient until he read their astrological chart. Leslie reminds us that done correctly and impeccably, this work can be extremely powerful and useful.

Although astrology has more recently been discounted due to an over-saturation of horoscope predictors, this podcast will surely shift that mindset. Leslie does not read or write horoscopes, and she is not a fortune teller - she is a guide, who takes her clients on a journey of discovering their personal and individual owner’s manual, which becomes a roadmap for healing, acceptance, and ultimately finding peace.

Leslie McGuirk is a renowned astrologer, artist, author, product designer, and a truly remarkable human being. For this episode, timed intentionally with the end of this year and the beginning of the next, we wanted to take this opportunity to share Leslie’s exceptional gifts with you, our wonderful listeners, who we appreciate to no end.

On this podcast, Leslie shares with us her extraordinary journey of self discovery and evolution - spanning from her previously unrecognized talent as an artist and illustrator, to her deep passion for animals, nature and the Earth, which she brought to life as one of the first environmentalists to connect these aspects through product design with Takashimaya in Japan.

We also dive deeply into her gift for the esoteric science of astrology, where she explains to us that, as human beings, we each have our own individual design, which can be seen and interpreted through one’s astrological chart. As a result, we can become more aware of our own inherent traits and patterns - important insights that, once better understood, enable us to break through aspects that were once perceived barriers, to create the best conditions so that we can fully realize our potential. Leslie’s extraordinary talent, intellect and inherent compassion creates a unique recipe for illuminating these patterns, and has helped her clients all over the world understand their own unique design. Her approach is refreshing, honest, and has been nothing short of transformative for many, many people.

Most of us don’t realize that centuries ago, the science of astrology was both celebrated and highly valued by the highest ranking members of many societies around the world… even Carl Jung refused to work with a patient until he read their astrological chart. Leslie reminds us that done correctly and impeccably, this work can be extremely powerful and useful.

Although astrology has more recently been discounted due to an over-saturation of horoscope predictors, this podcast will surely shift that mindset. Leslie does not read or write horoscopes, and she is not a fortune teller - she is a guide, who takes her clients on a journey of discovering their personal and individual owner’s manual, which becomes a roadmap for healing, acceptance, and ultimately finding peace.

1 hr 12 min