16 episodes

Lessons From A High School Dropout Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing and achieving your goals. In our weekly podcast you will hear directly from Troy as he shares lessons from his life dealing with the peaks and valleys of the road less traveled. Today he enjoys helping other entrepreneurs and business professionals fulfill their dreams by discovering their Gift. You will find these lessons are very down to earth as you learn how to hold a vision for your future rather than living from the memories of your past.

Lessons From A High School Dropout Troy Thomas Joseph Fitch

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Lessons From A High School Dropout Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing and achieving your goals. In our weekly podcast you will hear directly from Troy as he shares lessons from his life dealing with the peaks and valleys of the road less traveled. Today he enjoys helping other entrepreneurs and business professionals fulfill their dreams by discovering their Gift. You will find these lessons are very down to earth as you learn how to hold a vision for your future rather than living from the memories of your past.

    The Great Sense Of Inadequacy

    The Great Sense Of Inadequacy

    Too often when we find ourselves stuck or in a quandary that is challenging us we feel a great sense of inadequacy. Yet, the very same problem can land on the desk of a co-worker or classmate who feels none of the feelings of inadequacy. Then you suddenly feel alone and even more ashamed or lost in the feelings of inadequacy.   This is where the curse of never being satisfied begins. As we look around the reason is often due to feelings of being insuficienct or inadequate.

    As we look from the outside as Bobby Burns sees it, we should see ourselves as others see us.   We really have no reason to feel inferior at all, and we certainly have no business talking, thinking or feeling poorly about ourselves. God did not create your spirit with faults. You are created in the “image” of God.

    You and I can’t see God and you and I cannot see the God part of ourselves. This matters because we certainly don’t always think like God, so why in God’s world would we always or even sometimes embrace a negative connotation towards any part of our physical body.   Our body is of this world while our true nature is not of this physical world. We basically are like fish out of water judging one another in spite of the fact we all l arrived here the very same way.

    Many people who have far less talents, less abilities, less skills, less proficiencies, less going for them are getting along fine.   I would like to ask you a few questions you likely have never asked yourself.  Do you enjoy your own company?   Do you seem anywhere near as nice to yourself as you appear to me?

    Do you look in a miror and experience a great sense of gratitude for the person you see in the mirror before you?  Can you praise that person, be thankful for that person and sometimes say nice things to that person, or is that kinda difficult to do?

    If the answer is basically no to this then it’s very tragic, because the feelings that you have about yourself will certainly color and influence everything that happens in you, to you and around you and this will likely continue throughout all of your life.

    Lessons From A High School Dropout Podcast is dedicated to all of our uniquely gifted minds who at some point felt sadly alone as they struggled with the challenge of learning or discouraged for holding the vision and dreams within their brilliant minds.

    Lessons From A High School Dropout is here to support the spirit of the entrepreneur, the student, the employee and to help build these dreams upon the gifts each one of us are endowed with.

    Maybe you were told you couldn’t do something and needed to choose another path. We all learn in our own special way, each with a unique desire for a sense of fulfillment in our journey. We affirm that with each lesson you will be more inspired to learn new things to help you with your walk in life.

    A walk that will take you down the "Road Less Traveled". A walk where you will learn new things and allow your heart to be inspired with a new road map that can and will elevate you to a higher consciousness.

    • 18 min
    My Hero's Haven't Always Been Cowboys With White Hats

    My Hero's Haven't Always Been Cowboys With White Hats

    My hero’s in life began with guys like Elvis and Johnny Cash. My attraction to Elvis was the story of a poor kid rising to fame from very humble beginnings, his style, his music and how he held such a commanding presence inside every auditorium he ever stepped into. My admiration for Johnny Cash was from learning how during his early  years, he struggled with drugs and alcohol. Then went on to become an international inspiration to others as he shared his music that was instilled deep within his heart. I have always admired the guy or girl who battles demons, overcomes poverty, discover their gifts and move to fulfill their dreams, out of a somewhat hell many often create like myself.

    When looking for hero’s, I have a scale that challenges the measure of man!
    I didn’t hold much interest in the common things of life. Common to me is lame and boring, I was attracted to those who shared a gift they discovered from deep within their soul and not necessarily from common backgrounds.

    It is time we travel further down the discovery of the hero’s “Road Less Traveled”.

    My first hero to reflect on is my father, but we often do not recognized this until we reach into the age of our thirties when we recognize these qualities. So be patient, your hero is down the road a little further, just keep walking.

    Think about this, if we are willing to look back into our lives and contemplate events that have taken place in our lives which moved us in a special way, we will often find these people walking on the road less traveled. This can provide the opportunity to learn valuable lessons from them. My father was the man who did not hold onto judgement, so my past was never brought up unless he was recognizing my choices and giving me wonderful accolades time and time again. Never did he judge me for my actions. He took the high road every time and was always inspiring me to keep up the great work. The greatest gift my hero father gave to me was unconditional love, and the same unconditional love to each of his six children.

    Hero’s can often be excellent cooks! My mother is also on this list of hero’s as I refer back to the two books Lessons In Truth and Healing Letters which she intuitively mailed to me with an understanding that they could help me on my walk. As you read in chapter one how those books lifted my heart to an awakening, where I truly discovered I could read and with enough effort in pushing through I could  comprehend the meaning of a story if only I would keep reading it over and over again and again. More importantly those two books lead me to discover my spiritual walk that my soul recognized like I had known this all along. Finding our walk in life often comes through the little synchronicities of life. Passing these events off in our minds as a coincident with a hidden meaning like “as luck would have it” just doesn’t fly with me and never did.
    People often tend to simplify how these occur which discounts them, rather than look for the divine connections that bring powerful moments together. Synchronicity to me is a word we should be speaking into the young minds, so that in our future we eliminate the passing off these powerful events as “happen chance” and embrace the full power of how God aligns all this to take place.
    Often our Newtonian minds mislabel the Devine as happen chance rather than give full credit to the source who created all things.  

    A little counseling never hurts anyone, so I now introduce you to my earthly angel and hero Irma Froe. 

    • 23 min
    You Can Only Lose What You Cling To ~ Buddha

    You Can Only Lose What You Cling To ~ Buddha

    Thank you for listening, sharing and subscribing to my podcast. 

    Your support to this podcast is greatly appreciated to help further inspiration  to all who open themselves to new awareness of how we move through life with greater ease and understanding. These lessons are shared with men in our jails, prisons, youth programs and places of worship throughout the world. Your support goes to build awareness to how we can show others  how to travel through life on that Road Less Traveled.  

    Thank you for all your support!  Troy Thomas Joseph Fitch   

    This is a story told by Buddha to his students studying to become Brahmans. A widower who loved his five year old son very much was away on business. A group of bandits came and burned down the entire village and took his son away. When the man returned he saw the ruins and he panicked. He took the chard corps of an infant  to be his child. He began to pull his hair and beat his chest crying uncontrollably.   He organized a cremation ceremony and collected the ashes and placed them into a beautiful velvet pouch.

    Working, sleeping or eating he always carried the bag of ashes with him. One day his real son escaped from the robbers and found his way home.   He arrived at his fathers new cottage at midnight and knocked at the door. You can imagine at that time the young father who was still carrying the bag of ashes and crying. He asked who is there and the child answered, it’s me Papa open the door it’s your son. In his agitated state of mind the father thought it was some mischievous boy that was making fun of him and he shouted at the child to go away and he continued to cry. The boy knocked again and again but the father refused to let him in. Some time passed and finally the child left and from that time on father and son never saw one another again. And after telling this story the Buddha said,  sometime, somewhere you take something to be the truth, if you cling to it so much when the truth comes in person and knocks at your door, you will refuse to open it. It’s a powerful story for young students learning to be Brahmans and it’s a powerful story for each and everyone of us.

    Music: Cafe De Anatolia ~ Ghent Nemnon Live at Baalbeck, Lebanon  

    Lessons From A High School Dropout Podcast is dedicated to all of our uniquely gifted minds who at some point felt sadly alone as they struggled with the challenge of learning or discouraged for holding the vision and dreams within their brilliant minds.   

    Lessons From A High School Dropout is here to support the spirit of the entrepreneur, the student, the employee and to help build these dreams upon the gifts each one of us are endowed with. Maybe you were told you couldn’t do something and needed to choose another path. We all learn in our own special way, each with a unique desire for a sense of fulfillment in our journey. We affirm that with each lesson you will be more inspired to learn new things to help you with your walk in life. A walk that will take you down the "Road Less Traveled". 

    A walk where you will learn new things and allow your heart to be inspired with a new road map that can and will elevate you to a higher consciousness.  

    • 10 min
    The Deception of Perception How It Can Remove Years From Your Life

    The Deception of Perception How It Can Remove Years From Your Life

    Thank you for taking time to listen to this podcast. Your attention to this lesson will bring you blessings in your life and I say this great certainty.

    It has been proven through the ages and is not some stereotype label as new age thinking. This is ancient thinking of long long ago so just know those who will attempt to poison your knowledge of such teaching only want you to stay on their wayward walk of life.

    If your consciousness feels slow to receive this information just do what this eighteen year old kid did in that jail I landed in with months after leaving high school. I sat and pondered for hour and read one paragraph for hours to absorb what the writer was saying. As I began to receive the words I began to sit up to read more.  

    If you would like to learn more on this subject I suggest a few great minds of science and medicine that hold these truths and they demonstrate them in their lives every day.

    You can find these brilliant minds Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden on YouTube with vast lessons on the body, mind connections.

    Please share with all who you feel could benefit from these simple but necessary tested truths to move others into a consciousness of love and kindness. When we take time to express what we have learned it also allows us to deepen our understanding and brightens our delivery as we bring others to a higher walk in consciousness. These steps will bring our world to a greater consciousness for mankind. 

    The dividends don't come from profit, they come from hard work of those who were seeking to better the world. Make a difference in the life as a seeker of knowledge.

    Thank you for watching!

    Thank you for sharing!

    We hope you are inspired to Like ~ Subscribe and Click on the bell 🔔 ALL episodes.



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    • 17 min
    The Field Is The Sole Governing Source

    The Field Is The Sole Governing Source

    Our societies have indoctrinated people with the laws of our Newtonian World. Teaching our youth what goes up, must come down works best inside the mechanical confines of newtonian physics, therefore requiring a newtonian response. The Newtonian response then requires a physical action.   

    On the other hand we have the Quantum World which works concurrently with the Newtonian Laws. The difference lies in how we as human beings choose to work within the laws of each governing system within space and time.  It's when we choose to look at each given response to any event in our lives and begin to question how we should choose to respond is when we begin to create a shift in consciousness. This shift over time will begin to resonate within your daily routine giving the result personal empowerment therefore creating a pathway of the least resistance as we live our lives.  

    Creating a new response to life is like an adventure. Begin to see good in everything as we are all learning and growing together and when you see someone acting out in similar ways that you have chosen in the past embrace this change for yourself and then move to find a way to encourage those around us how to recognize these two powerful laws within our universe can be harnessed and use for the proper response to each situation.   

    Recognizing how to respond to life always works easier when we choose the right tools within the mechanical laws. Newtonian Laws require a physical response and Quantum Laws require a not physical response.   It is when we embrace this energy within these two powerful laws, we move into the flow of the frequency of the field. 

    This powerful shift in our conscious mind is where our personal empowerment begins to bring those wonderful synchronicities into our lives when we begin to "Feel It".  

    Thank you for watching and sharing!  

    Troy Thomas Joseph Fitch

    Thank you for watching!  Thank you for sharing!   

    We hope you are inspired to Like ~ Subscribe and Click on the bell 🔔 ALL episodes.   @ 


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    YouTube ~  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMBY...  

    Spotify ~ https://open.spotify.com/show/3ZYS91C...  

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    • 10 min
    Resolutions vs Change Of Habits

    Resolutions vs Change Of Habits

    Creating a resolution for change in your life takes the same effort as changing your habits, we are simply using different techniques to arrive at the state of change. It's a mental focus that allows us to recognize our thoughts. Ninety five percent of our thoughts are the very same thoughts as the day before. So if you believe that your thoughts are somehow connected  to your life, then the same thoughts always lead to the same choices. The same choices always lead to the same behaviors. The same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences produce the same emotions and those very same emotions drive the very same thoughts so your biology, your neurocircuitry, your neurochemistry, your neurohormones and even your genetic expression is equal to how you think, how you act and how you feel. So how you think and how you act is called your personality and your personality creates your personal reality.That it!

    So if you wake up every morning, get out of bed on the same side, shut the alarm off with the very same finger, shuffle into the bathroom and use the toilet like you always do. Go and get a cup of coffee in your favorite mug and get in the shower and wash off in the same routine way. Drive to work, see the same people that push the same emotional buttons, do the same things that you have memorized and do so well. Then hurry up and go home and hurry up and check your emails, then hurry up and check your Facebook and watch your favorite TV show, then hurry up and go to bed. Here is my question, did your brain change at all that day?

    So let’s get to the subject of learning. Now every time you learn something new you make new connections in your brain. That’s what learning is forming, new synaptic connections within the brain. That’s what learning is! Physical evidence as a result of your interaction in the environment and the footprints of consciousness is called learning, making new synaptic connections within the brain. The Nobel Prize Laureate Eric Kandell in the year 2000, found that when people learned one bit of information they doubled the number if connections in their brain from 1300 connections to 2600 connections, but if they didn’t review that information if they couldn’t repeat it, if they couldn’t remember it, those circuits pruned apart in hours or days. So if learning is making new synaptic connections, then remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections.

    Take time out of each day to ask yourself in the early part of your day what is the best version of myself I can be today? Take time to analyze and critique your thoughts and feelings to help you consciously create a new "state of being". A state of consciousness over time that will create new pathways in your thinking, your feelings and that is the foundation to a change in conscious.

    I wish you well and thank you for taking time to read this and listen to this podcast.    

    Thank you for listening!  Thank you for sharing!

    We hope you are inspired to Like ~ Subscribe and Click on the bell 🔔 ALL episodes.   

    Facebook ~ @FriendsOfAHighSchoolDropout Instagram 


    YouTube ~  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMBY...  

    Spotify ~ https://open.spotify.com/show/3ZYS91C...

    • 7 min

Customer Reviews

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3 Ratings

tntspiritworks ,

Waking Up to My Greatness

Troy is one patriotic and passionate soul. I just listened to the episode called Awakening Your Gift From Within. Wow, what a powerful and heartwarming episode. Troy took me back to the American Revolution where we all began as a country. Then he moved me forward with insights and wisdom on where we are now as a country. How we were all independent people at the beginning and are now more dependent people. Every person should listen to this episode and get a bigger picture from a historical perspective. Troy is one extremely wise and smart man for being a 1982 High School Dropout. It proves time and again to never underestimate the path of a soul and where their journey will take them. Thank you Troy for an amazing podcast.

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