38 min

37. Stress Reset with Becky Humphrey and Bridget Budd Let's Hiply This!

    • Self-Improvement

I've got a real treat for you today with lots of actionable tips. I talk to fellow life coaches Bridget and Becky about their stress reset course (see below for link and discount code) that they are creating. Their tools and modalities tie in nicely with the Hiply process. They talk about nervous system regulation, the window of tolerance and give lots of tips and quick relief tools for when you're feeling stressed and tarry. Enjoy!Stress and tarry feelings are closely related. Bridget points...

I've got a real treat for you today with lots of actionable tips. I talk to fellow life coaches Bridget and Becky about their stress reset course (see below for link and discount code) that they are creating. Their tools and modalities tie in nicely with the Hiply process. They talk about nervous system regulation, the window of tolerance and give lots of tips and quick relief tools for when you're feeling stressed and tarry. Enjoy!Stress and tarry feelings are closely related. Bridget points...

38 min