10 min

Life Lessons I Wish I Knew at 17: A Letter to My Niece D-squared

    • Entrepreneurship

Blog - https://www.dylandavis.net/2024/01/life-lessons-i-wish-i-knew-at-17-a-letter-to-my-niece/

TL;DR: An uncle offers candid life advice to his teenage niece, emphasizing the importance of practical career choices, lifelong learning, and critical thinking. He highlights the value of self-discipline, networking, financial literacy, and recognizing life's reversible and irreversible decisions. The message is to be ambitious yet skeptical of advice, including his own, and to understand that adults are also continuously learning and adapting.

Blog - https://www.dylandavis.net/2024/01/life-lessons-i-wish-i-knew-at-17-a-letter-to-my-niece/

TL;DR: An uncle offers candid life advice to his teenage niece, emphasizing the importance of practical career choices, lifelong learning, and critical thinking. He highlights the value of self-discipline, networking, financial literacy, and recognizing life's reversible and irreversible decisions. The message is to be ambitious yet skeptical of advice, including his own, and to understand that adults are also continuously learning and adapting.

10 min