40 episodes

Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas.
No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and... WHATEVER!


Hosting provided by SoundOn

Lights, Camera! Whatever! 看部台劇,聊聊人生‪!‬ Rei

    • TV & Film
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas.
No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and... WHATEVER!


Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Could you stay in love with someone who is always working? #不夠善良的我們|EP 2|#Imperfect Us| 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    Could you stay in love with someone who is always working? #不夠善良的我們|EP 2|#Imperfect Us| 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》

    ♠️ Description: Everyone says that Rebecca is very pretty and capable, and that's why she's still single. Her abilities make men feel inferior to her. She enjoys her single life to a tee, but of course, there are situations that make her feel "alone." Her assistant chooses a boyfriend over her when work gets busy, so she has to eat alone; her horny landlord makes up excuses to see her; and then there's that overwhelming sense of loneliness. She's not afraid of being alone, but when loneliness strikes, she can't help but think of that person that she mustn't think about anymore.

    Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts
    ♦️ Should there be a new rule to stop landlord’s from randomly kicking out tenants to give their property to their kids? - 應該制定新規則來阻止房東隨意趕走租客以將房產留給他們的孩子嗎?
    ♦️ Is it time to find new English names? Claire, Rebecca, Brittney, Lily? William? Johnny? Tony? Lisa? - 是時候為自己找一個新的英文名字了嗎?像是 Claire, Rebecca, Brittney, Lily?William?Johnny?Tony?Lisa?
    ♦️ Do you like to be surprised for your birthday or you are tired of eating cake? - 你喜歡生日驚喜嗎,還是已經厭倦了吃蛋糕?
    ♦️ Is your job in danger of being replaced by AI? - 你的工作有被人工智能取代的危險嗎?
    ♦️ What is your number? How much do you need to save to walk away from it all? - 你的數字是多少?你需要存多少錢才能放下一切?
    ♦️ Would you work overtime for free? - 你會免費加班嗎?
    ♦️ Could you stay in love with someone who is always working? - 你能夠一直愛著一個總是忙於工作的伴侶嗎?
    ♦️ If you are a strong, smart, and independent woman, would you change your personality and character to be more suitable for market or the market has a problem? - 如果你是一個堅強、聰明且獨立的女人,你會改變自己的性格以更適應市場,還是市場有問題?
    ♦️ Do you have any exes you would run back to if you had the chance? - 如果有機會,你會回到某個前任的身邊嗎?
    ♦️ If there is obviously NO ONE in the restaurant, should restaurant rules still apply? - 如果餐廳裡明顯沒有其他人,餐廳規則還應該適用嗎?
    ♦️ If you are alone all the time, should date to kill the silence, or it’s better to be alone and be real? - 如果你總是獨處,你會為了打破沉默而去約會,還是寧可獨處而真實?
    ♦️ With so many people stuck in unhappy marriages due to money or kids or never actually falling in love, should we still judge people for being single? - 由於許多人因為金錢或孩子或從未真正相愛而陷入不快樂的婚姻,我們是否還應該因為單身而批評他們?
    ♦️ With such a high divorce rate, should we still be rushing young women to marry and have kids, just because? - 鑒於如此高的離婚率,我們是否還應該催促年輕女性結婚生子,只因為社會壓力?
    ♦️ If you had two people chasing you simultaneously, how do you make a choice? - 如果有兩個人同時追求你,你會如何做出選擇?

    Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas.
    No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER!

    Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目!

    • 23 min
    Do we take for granted “small moments of happiness” #不夠善良的我們|EP 1|#Imperfect Us| 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    Do we take for granted “small moments of happiness” #不夠善良的我們|EP 1|#Imperfect Us| 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    《#不夠善良的我們 - Imperfect Us 》
    Introduction: The story begins with an outfit clash. Two women who were born on the same month and the same day not only fell in love with the same man but also often bought the same clothes. They were rivals in love when they were young, and for 10 years, they have been using clues on Facebook to fantasize about each other's better life and feel jealous. Unexpectedly, they meet again.

    ♠️ Description: Jian Qing Fen, just like all other career women, her life is a bit busy and tiring. Fortunately, she has a nice husband, and a lovely son. But for that reason, she's been leading a smooth-sailing and ordinary life, day after day. There's even nothing to complain about (apart from her mother-in-law and oh, her sister-in-law.) Because there's no suffering on her path to happiness, it's hard to say, "I'm so happy!" That's why she's been a bit annoyed lately and she's looking to stir up some trouble.
    簡慶芬就像所有的職業女性一樣,生活有些忙碌和疲憊。幸運的是,她有一個好丈夫和一個可愛的兒子。正因為如此,她的生活一天又一天地過得平順而普通。除了她的婆婆和小姑,她幾乎沒有什麼可抱怨的。由於在追求幸福的道路上沒有經歷過痛苦,她很難說出“我真的很幸福!” 也因此,她最近有些煩躁,想要找些麻煩來折騰一下。

    Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts
    ♦️ Should happiness and pain be in the same conversation? - 「快樂」和「痛苦」應該出現在同一個對話中嗎?(「快樂」其實是用「痛苦」累積來的)
    ♦️ Are we unhappy, because we don’t know what we are chasing in life?- 我們是否因為不知道自己在追求什麼而感到不快樂?
    ♦️ If we have everything we need, why are we still unhappy? - 如果我們已經擁有了所有需要的東西,為什麼我們仍然感到不快樂?
    ♦️ Do we take for granted “small moments of happiness”? - 我們是否忽視了「小確幸」?
    ♦️ What behavior do you show when you are happy, but you never realize you do it ? - 當你感到快樂時,你會表現出什麼行為而自己卻從未意識到?
    ♦️ Would you scroll through your old competitions social media profile? - 你會翻閱你以前競爭對手的社交媒體資料嗎?
    ♦️ Is scrolling through someone’s social media curiosity or spying ? - 翻閱別人的社交媒體是出於好奇還是窺探?
    ♦️ Do you have an innate talent, but you are not using it? - 你有天賦但卻沒有發揮出來嗎?
    ♦️ What to do when your marriage has no real issues, but it's just a marriage? - 當你的婚姻沒有實際問題,只是平淡無奇時,你該怎麼辦?
    ♦️ If you are stuck in a normal marriage, do you envy single people? - 如果你困在一段普通的婚姻中,你會羨慕單身的人嗎?
    ♦️ Do you schedule when to make love with your partner or do you keep it spontaneous? - 你會安排和伴侶做愛的時間還是保持隨性?
    ♦️ What happens when your mother in law is too good at being a mother in law? - 當你的婆婆太過優秀時會發生什麼?
    ♦️ Is it stealing if you know you are better than someone’s current partner? - 如果你知道自己比對方的現任伴侶更好,這算是偷竊嗎?
    ️♦️ If you are in a relationship or marriage and saw your ex was way more beautiful or handsome than when you were together, would you give it one more shot or the past is the past? - 如果你在一段關係或婚姻中,看到你的前任變得比以前更漂亮或帥氣,你會再給

    • 24 min
    If you wanted to escape from it all, where would you go? #人選之人-造浪者|EP 8|#Wave Maker | 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    If you wanted to escape from it all, where would you go? #人選之人-造浪者|EP 8|#Wave Maker | 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》

    ♠️ Description: Engulfed in scandal, Chao Chang-tse works frantically to contain the fallout; summoning her courage, Ya-ching decides to take a bold step. 趙昌澤醜聞纏身,手忙腳亂地趕緊收拾殘局。亞靜鼓起勇氣,決定踏出大膽一步。

    Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts
    ♦️ If you know your parents are flat out lying to you, would you confront them or is it not worth it? - 如果你知道你的父母明明在對你撒謊,你會直球對決他們還是覺得這不值得?
    ♦️ If you wanted to escape from it all, where would you go? - 如果你想逃離一切,你會去哪裡?
    ♦️ If your spouse was running for president, but was caught cheating, would you patriotically stay by their side, divorce right away, or divorce after the election? - 如果你的配偶正在競選總統,但被發現有外遇,你會愛國地留在他們身邊,馬上離婚,還是選舉後再離婚?
    ♦️ If you are trying to take someone powerful down, but they have threatened to expose your nude photos, would you continue attacking or retreat? - 如果你試圖打倒一個有權勢的人,但他們威脅要公開你的裸照,你會繼續攻擊還是撤退?
    ♦️ Should political talk shows on tv or YT prove they are not sponsored by a certain party or citizens have the right to believe in lies? - 政治脫口秀節目在電視或YouTube上是否應證明它們不是由某個政黨贊助的,或者公民有權相信謊言?
    ♦️ When you go to KTV, what song makes you release your pain? - 當你去KTV時,有什麼歌曲讓你釋放痛苦?
    ♦️ When it comes to a presidential election, will you tell others who you will vote for? - 談到總統選舉,你會告訴別人你將投票給誰嗎?
    ♦️ Would you study abroad in the UK or the US if you had the opportunity? - 如果有機會,你會選擇在英國還是美國留學?

    Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas.
    No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER!

    Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目!

    💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic
    關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好
    IG| @lightscamerawhatever
    FB| /LCWhatever

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    ©LCW team
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 22 min
    Should First Ladies be given more respect? #人選之人-造浪者|EP 7|#Wave Maker | 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    Should First Ladies be given more respect? #人選之人-造浪者|EP 7|#Wave Maker | 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》

    ♠️ Description: As Wen-fang's team races to track down a suspicious viral post, a reckless Ya-ching scrambles to cover up a damaging secret. 一篇瘋傳的網路貼文很可疑,文方的團隊追查來源。見不得光的秘密可能外流。焦頭爛額的亞靜拼命掩飾。

    Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts
    ♦️ Should AI accounts be forbidden? - 應該禁止AI帳號嗎?
    ♦️ Should netizens be fined or banned for spreading fake news or misinformation? - 應該對散布假新聞或誤導信息的網民進行罰款或禁止嗎?
    ♦️ If one of your parents wants to divorce, but has no evidence, would you help them? - 如果你的父母之一想離婚但沒有證據,你會幫助他們嗎?
    ♦️ Should paparazzi be fined or put in jail for invasion of privacy? - 狗仔隊侵犯隱私是否應該被罰款或入獄?
    ♦️ Should political slogans be trademarked, so they can’t be used twice? - 政治口號應該註冊商標,以防止重複使用嗎?
    ♦️ Which one is your favorite, stir fry or izakaya? - 你喜歡熱炒店還是居酒屋?
    ♦️ In a world where people repost and ask questions later, what would you do if gossip or negative news was spread about you? - 在一個人們先轉發後提問的世界裡,如果有關你的八卦或負面新聞被傳播,你會怎麼做?
    ♦️ Should First Ladies be given more respect? - 第一夫人是否應該被給予更多的尊重?
    ♦️ Mom / Dad are you really happy? - 媽媽/爸爸,你們真的快樂嗎?

    Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas.
    No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER!

    Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目!

    💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic
    關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好
    IG| @lightscamerawhatever
    FB| /LCWhatever

    PLEASE Subscribe and Follow!
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    ©LCW team
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 22 min
    Would you be a famous celebrity or KOL? #人選之人-造浪者|EP 6|#Wave Maker | 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    Would you be a famous celebrity or KOL? #人選之人-造浪者|EP 6|#Wave Maker | 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》

    ♠️ Description: A corruption scandal breaks out creating shockwaves in the heated race; Wen-fang finds a new audience through her candid online persona. 貪腐醜聞驚爆而出,在如火如荼的選戰投下一顆震撼彈。文方在網路上有話直說的風格,吸引到一票新觀眾。

    Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts

    ♦️ If tv stations and tv shows are too one-sided and controlled, would you start your own podcast or you tube channel? - 如果電視台和節目過於片面和受控,你會開始自己的播客或YouTube頻道嗎?
    ♦️ If you feel your boss is intentionally trying to overwork you, what would you do? - 如果你覺得你的老闆故意讓你過度工作,你會怎麼做?
    ♦️ Is it really a democracy, if the president is also protected? - 如果總統也受到保護,這真的算是民主嗎?
    ♦️ If someone apologizes, but doesn’t know what their mistake is, will you accept? - 如果有人道歉,但不知道他們犯了什麼錯,你會接受嗎?
    ♦️ Is your work more important than your partner’s work? - 你的工作比你伴侶的工作更重要嗎?
    ♦️ Do you really know why your partner loves or doesn’t love you ? - 你真的知道為什麼你的伴侶愛或不愛你嗎?
    ♦️ What if you partner is always on the phone during family time? - 如果你的伴侶在家庭時間總是在打電話怎麼辦?
    ♦️ Would you stay with your partner who makes a lot of money, but is never at home? - 你會和一個賺很多錢但從不在家的伴侶在一起嗎?
    ♦️ If one of your parents were elected president, would you agree to be in public or behind the screen? - 如果你的父母之一當選為總統,你願意公開露面還是選擇幕後?
    ♦️ Would you be a famous celebrity or KOL? - 你會選擇成為一個著名的名人或KOL(關鍵意見領袖)嗎?

    Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas.
    No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER!

    Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目!

    💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic
    關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好
    IG| @lightscamerawhatever
    FB| /LCWhatever

    PLEASE Subscribe and Follow!
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    ©LCW team

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 22 min
    Which one is more important, power or money? #人選之人-造浪者|EP 5|#Wave Maker | 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    Which one is more important, power or money? #人選之人-造浪者|EP 5|#Wave Maker | 💡📽️🤷🏽‍♂️ / #LCW看部台劇聊聊人生

    《#人選之人-造浪者 - Wave Maker 》

    ♠️ Description: Ya-ching confides in Wen-fang about a poignant history; facing a shocking revelation, Lin Yue-chen has a difficult decision to make. 亞靜向文方坦承一件不堪回首的往事。林月真得知驚人真相,必須做出艱難抉擇。

    Today's Key Points ✨ More Questions in Shorts

    ♦️ Are protest effective anymore? - 抗議活動還有效嗎?
    ♦️ If you sleep with your boss, can you blame them for wanting more? - 如果你與老闆發生關係,你能怪他們想要更多嗎?
    ♦️ What if your partner is not crazy in love with you, like you are with them? - 如果你的伴侶不像你那樣瘋狂愛你怎麼辦?
    ♦️ Could you date a sugar daddy or a cougar? - 你能和乾爹或熟女約會嗎?
    ♦️ Which one is more important, power or money? - 哪個更重要,權力還是金錢?
    ♦️ Is it possible to love a person forever? - 有可能永遠愛一個人嗎?
    ♦️ Could you got to KTV with a coworker you don’t like? - 你能和你不喜歡的同事去KTV嗎?

    Hi, I am Rei. This Podcast program will dive into Taiwanese films and dramas.
    No critique, no spoilers! Only the psychology of life, love, and… WHATEVER!

    Hi 我是Rei!這是一檔聊聊台灣影劇的Podcast節目!

    💡ABOUT Rei| Social Introvert, Creative Writer, CEO, Film Fanatic
    關於 Rei |社交內向,創意寫作,首席執行官,電影狂好
    IG| @lightscamerawhatever
    FB| /LCWhatever

    PLEASE Subscribe and Follow!
    Thanks for supporting the channel, you made this possible 🎈


    ©LCW team
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 22 min

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