33 min

Lisa Lucas: Responding Instead of Reacting Teacher's Corner

    • How To

We discuss reframing our thinking, Lisa shares her 4 C’s and leads Nate in the Presence Pause, a simple and effective technique to ground and transition yourself and your students. Do it with us! 

Lisa's Site: https://www.practicingpresence.life
Register for Lisa's FREE webinar May 6:

Practicing Presence: https://www.stenhouse.com/1191.asp
Twitter: @DrLisaJLucas

We discuss reframing our thinking, Lisa shares her 4 C’s and leads Nate in the Presence Pause, a simple and effective technique to ground and transition yourself and your students. Do it with us! 

Lisa's Site: https://www.practicingpresence.life
Register for Lisa's FREE webinar May 6:

Practicing Presence: https://www.stenhouse.com/1191.asp
Twitter: @DrLisaJLucas

33 min