44 min

Live at SIAL in Montreal, Canada's Sad Supply Chain, and our guest Marc Vaucher, Scale AI The Food Professor

    • Management

We are live from Montreal's SIAL's Food Innovation Show. We discuss our first day at the show and our numerous interactions with industry professionals. Our special guest here in Montreal is Marc Vaucher, Senior Investment Director at Scale AI, Canada's AI Global Innovation Cluster. We also talk about the state of Canada's supply chain, changes at Saputo and Chuck E. Cheese, and a big new plant for the Little Potatoe Company in Alberta.

We are live from Montreal's SIAL's Food Innovation Show. We discuss our first day at the show and our numerous interactions with industry professionals. Our special guest here in Montreal is Marc Vaucher, Senior Investment Director at Scale AI, Canada's AI Global Innovation Cluster. We also talk about the state of Canada's supply chain, changes at Saputo and Chuck E. Cheese, and a big new plant for the Little Potatoe Company in Alberta.

44 min