1 hr 11 min

Live Session - Pragmatic Gita - Chapter 9, Shlokas 6 to 10, Vancouver, BC Pragmatic Bhagavad Gita: Unlocking the Practical Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita with Krsnadaasa

    • Spirituality

In this enlightening episode, we delve into the heart of the Bhagavad Gita's ninth chapter, exploring the profound teachings from verses 9.6 to 9.10. We uncover the intricate dance of creation, preservation, and dissolution as orchestrated by the divine, shedding light on the concept of God's omnipresence and the transcendental nature of divine operations within the material world. These verses unravel the mystery of how the universe, in all its vastness and complexity, is sustained by the divine yet remains untouched by its material aspects. We discuss the metaphor of the divine as both the womb and the imperishable seed of all existence, highlighting the unique blend of immanence and transcendence that characterizes the divine essence. Additionally, the dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna reveals the nuanced understanding of karma, the law of action, and its implications for spiritual seekers. Join us as we explore how these timeless teachings offer insights into navigating the challenges of life with wisdom and equanimity, encouraging us to see the divine in every aspect of the cosmos and in our daily lives.

Dive deep into the essence of the Raja Guhya Yoga with this episode, where we explore shlokas 9.6 to 9.10's captivating teachings on Divine Orchestration and the Cosmic Order. This segment of the Bhagavad Gita offers profound insights into the intricate ways in which the divine orchestrates the creation, preservation, and dissolution of the universe, presenting a unique perspective on karma and our interconnectedness with the cosmos.

Understand the nuances of karma, and how it influences both the cosmic order and our individual lives. Discover the spiritual wisdom embedded in these ancient scriptures, shedding light on the divine orchestration of life's events and our role within this grand cosmic design.

This episode not only delves into the philosophical depth of the Bhagavad Gita's teachings on divine orchestration and cosmic order but also connects this ancient wisdom to practical aspects of modern living. By interpreting karma through the lens of spiritual wisdom, listeners will gain insights into navigating life's challenges with greater clarity and purpose.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the Raja Guhya Yoga, celebrating the divine orchestration of the universe and embracing the timeless spiritual wisdom it offers. Through understanding karma and the cosmic order, we invite you to explore how these ancient teachings can illuminate the path to personal growth and enlightenment in the context of today's world.

In this enlightening episode, we delve into the heart of the Bhagavad Gita's ninth chapter, exploring the profound teachings from verses 9.6 to 9.10. We uncover the intricate dance of creation, preservation, and dissolution as orchestrated by the divine, shedding light on the concept of God's omnipresence and the transcendental nature of divine operations within the material world. These verses unravel the mystery of how the universe, in all its vastness and complexity, is sustained by the divine yet remains untouched by its material aspects. We discuss the metaphor of the divine as both the womb and the imperishable seed of all existence, highlighting the unique blend of immanence and transcendence that characterizes the divine essence. Additionally, the dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna reveals the nuanced understanding of karma, the law of action, and its implications for spiritual seekers. Join us as we explore how these timeless teachings offer insights into navigating the challenges of life with wisdom and equanimity, encouraging us to see the divine in every aspect of the cosmos and in our daily lives.

Dive deep into the essence of the Raja Guhya Yoga with this episode, where we explore shlokas 9.6 to 9.10's captivating teachings on Divine Orchestration and the Cosmic Order. This segment of the Bhagavad Gita offers profound insights into the intricate ways in which the divine orchestrates the creation, preservation, and dissolution of the universe, presenting a unique perspective on karma and our interconnectedness with the cosmos.

Understand the nuances of karma, and how it influences both the cosmic order and our individual lives. Discover the spiritual wisdom embedded in these ancient scriptures, shedding light on the divine orchestration of life's events and our role within this grand cosmic design.

This episode not only delves into the philosophical depth of the Bhagavad Gita's teachings on divine orchestration and cosmic order but also connects this ancient wisdom to practical aspects of modern living. By interpreting karma through the lens of spiritual wisdom, listeners will gain insights into navigating life's challenges with greater clarity and purpose.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the Raja Guhya Yoga, celebrating the divine orchestration of the universe and embracing the timeless spiritual wisdom it offers. Through understanding karma and the cosmic order, we invite you to explore how these ancient teachings can illuminate the path to personal growth and enlightenment in the context of today's world.

1 hr 11 min