25 min

Live2Inspire S2E5 Steve Gainey, Entrepreneur and Former NHL Hockey Player Live2Inspire By Mindset Monk™

    • Entrepreneurship

Our guest this week on Live2Inspire is Steve Gainey. Steve is an entrepreneur, former NHL hockey player, and current coach of the Kamloops Storms.

In this episode, we discuss Steve's experience playing in the NHL, his current goals, and overall life focus. To all the aspiring NHL stars, Steve offers his key advice on how to build a career around hockey and what it takes to stand out in an industry flooded with dreamers.

Steve has a big heart and a passion to support his community. I can't wait to share this episode with you.

Our guest this week on Live2Inspire is Steve Gainey. Steve is an entrepreneur, former NHL hockey player, and current coach of the Kamloops Storms.

In this episode, we discuss Steve's experience playing in the NHL, his current goals, and overall life focus. To all the aspiring NHL stars, Steve offers his key advice on how to build a career around hockey and what it takes to stand out in an industry flooded with dreamers.

Steve has a big heart and a passion to support his community. I can't wait to share this episode with you.

25 min