Living with Alzheimer's Disease Podcast

Living with Alzheimer's Disease Podcast

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Alzheimer's disease affects at least 30 million people worldwide, not including, of course, friends, family, and other loved ones, and that number is growing as we live longer. In this miniseries, we speak with health experts and people dealing with Alzheimer's about symptoms, causes, existing treatments, ongoing research into new therapies. We also discuss ways you can lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or any other form of dementia. And we discuss how caregivers and loved ones can cope with Alzheimer's disease, too.  Listen, follow and share this series with the people in your life. For informational purposes only. Please consult a registered health professional for advice.


  1. What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?


    What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

    Alzheimer's disease affects families across the United States, yet no two people with the disease are alike. Our understanding of Alzheimer’s has changed a lot over the years. In this first episode, we start with the basics. We talk about causes, risk factors, symptoms, and how it affects the brain. Plus we learn about the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia. For a complete list of resources in this podcast series, please visit our website at What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit to let us know! Note: For links to our latest podcast entitled "Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease", visit our website here. Resources For information about Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's Association  National Institutes of Health (NIH)  Healthline Bright Focus, for more information about amyloid and tau MayoClinic, for more information about disease progression Patient Support and Advocacy Groups Alzheimer’s Speaks Alz Authors Alzheimer’s Association Local Chapters (US) Alzheimer’s Society support groups (UK) Dementia Friendly America HFC Guest’s Books Dr Andrew Budson - Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: What's Normal, What's Not and What to Do About It Dr Jason Karlawish - The Problem of Alzheimer’s: How Science, Culture, and Politics Turned a Rare Disease into a Crisis and What We Can Do About it Paul Hornback - God Still Remembers Me: Devotions for Facing Alzheimer's Disease with Faith Paul Hornback - My Purple Brick Road: A Faithful Battle with Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Dr Daniel Gibbs - A Tattoo on my Brain: A Neurologist's Personal Battle against Alzheimer's Disease Dr Phillip Sloane - ​​Alzheimer's Medical Advisor: A Caregiver's Guide to Common Medical and Behavioral Signs and Symptoms in Persons with Dementia  Get all the links and the episode transcript by visiting the website here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    17 min
  2. How Is Alzheimer’s Diagnosed?


    How Is Alzheimer’s Diagnosed?

    The first case of Alzheimer's disease was diagnosed in the early 1900s– but only after the person had died, and doctors were able to do an autopsy. Science has come a long way since then! There are several tests available now. And soon we may be able to tell if someone will develop Alzheimer's disease before they even develop symptoms. In this episode, we learn about the latest tests. And we hear from people and their loved ones about how they handled the shock of diagnosis. For a complete list of resources in this podcast series, please visit our website at What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit to let us know! Note: For links to our latest podcast entitled "Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease", visit our website here. Resources History of Alzheimer's disease Bright Focus  Alzheimer's Society Diagnosis information and what to expect at an appointment National Institute of Aging Alzheimer’s Society Alzheimer's Association Mayo Clinic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Alzheimer's Association Cleveland Clinic Caregiver support  Family Caregiver Alliance Memory Cafes Memory Cafe Directory Guest’s Books Dr Jason Karlawish - The Problem of Alzheimer’s: How Science, Culture, and Politics Turned a Rare Disease into a Crisis and What We Can Do About it Dr Jennifer Bute - Dementia from the Inside: A Doctor's Personal Journey of Hope Anthony Copeland Parker - Running All Over The World: Our Race Against Early-Onset Alzheimer's Paul Hornback - God Still Remembers Me: Devotions for Facing Alzheimer's Disease with Faith Paul Hornback - My Purple Brick Road: A Faithful Battle with Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Dr Daniel Gibbs - A Tattoo on my Brain: A Neurologist's Personal Battle against Alzheimer's Disease Get all the links and the episode transcript by visiting the website here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    18 min
  3. What Are the Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease?


    What Are the Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease?

    Even though we know a lot more about Alzheimer's disease now than we used to, there are still a lot of misunderstandings about the disease. So in this episode, we hear from people with Alzheimer's disease about their day-to-day lives. Caregivers and medical professionals also share their experiences caring for people with more advanced Alzheimer's disease. If you love someone with advanced Alzheimer’s disease, stay tuned for an upcoming episode on how to manage your new normal– especially when the going gets tough.  For a complete list of resources in this podcast series, please visit our website at What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit to let us know! Note: For links to our latest podcast entitled "Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease", visit our website here. Resources Patient Support and Advocacy Groups Alzheimer’s Speaks Alz Authors Alzheimer’s Association Local Chapters (US) Alzheimer’s Society support groups (UK) Dementia Friendly America Caregiver support  Family Caregiver Alliance ​​​​ Memory Cafes Memory Cafe directory Guest’s Books Dr Jason Karlawish - The Problem of Alzheimer’s: How Science, Culture, and Politics Turned a Rare Disease into a Crisis and What We Can Do About it Dr Jennifer Bute - Dementia from the Inside: A Doctor's Personal Journey of Hope Anthony Copeland Parker - Running All Over The World: Our Race Against Early-Onset Alzheimer's Paul Hornback - God Still Remembers Me: Devotions for Facing Alzheimer's Disease with Faith Paul Hornback - My Purple Brick Road: A Faithful Battle with Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Dr Daniel Gibbs - A Tattoo on my Brain: A Neurologist's Personal Battle against Alzheimer's Disease  Get all the links and the episode transcript by visiting the website here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    19 min
  4. Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (Part 1): Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle Changes


    Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (Part 1): Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle Changes

    There's no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but there are ways to manage it and treat symptoms. In this episode, we hear from people living with the disease about the healthy changes they've made to continue leading active, social lives. For a complete list of resources in this podcast series, please visit our website at What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit to let us know! Note: For links to our latest podcast entitled "Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease", visit our website here. Resources For information about lifestyle changes Alzheimer’s Society HelpGuide Healthline The MIND Diet Memory Cafe directory Patient Support and Advocacy Groups Alzheimer’s Speaks Alz Authors Alzheimer’s Association Local Chapters (US) Alzheimer’s Society support groups (UK) Dementia Friendly America   Guest’s Books Dr Andrew Budson - Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: What's Normal, What's Not and What to Do About It Dr Jason Karlawish - The Problem of Alzheimer’s: How Science, Culture, and Politics Turned a Rare Disease into a Crisis and What We Can Do About it Anthony Copeland Parker - Running All Over The World: Our Race Against Early-Onset Alzheimer's Paul Hornback - God Still Remembers Me: Devotions for Facing Alzheimer's Disease with Faith Paul Hornback - My Purple Brick Road: A Faithful Battle with Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Dr Daniel Gibbs - A Tattoo on my Brain: A Neurologist's Personal Battle against Alzheimer's Disease Dr Phillip Sloane - ​​Alzheimer's Medical Advisor: A Caregiver's Guide to Common Medical and Behavioral Signs and Symptoms in Persons with Dementia    Get all the links and the episode transcript by visiting the website here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    14 min
  5. Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (Part 2):  Medicine and Rehabilitation Therapies


    Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease (Part 2): Medicine and Rehabilitation Therapies

    Medication for Alzheimer's disease has been around since the 1980s, and for some people, it can be an important part of managing symptoms. In this episode, we talk about the medications that are available now, and we learn about therapy to improve motor, speech and language skills.  For a complete list of resources in this podcast series, please visit our website at What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit to let us know! Note: For links to our latest podcast entitled "Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease", visit our website here. Resources For information about medication Overview of medications for Alzheimer's disease FDA approval for Aducanumab About Aducanumab About Cholinesterase Inhibitors   For information about therapies American Physical Therapy Association American Speech Language and Hearing Association Total Health Works Speech Therapy Works Managing eating and swallowing challenges   For information about clinical trials: Alzheimer' Alzheimer's Association     References about Aducanumab NIH article Alzheimer's Association article article   Guest’s Books Dr Andrew Budson - Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: What's Normal, What's Not and What to Do About It Dr Jason Karlawish - The Problem of Alzheimer’s: How Science, Culture, and Politics Turned a Rare Disease into a Crisis and What We Can Do About it Anthony Copeland Parker - Running All Over The World: Our Race Against Early-Onset Alzheimer's Paul Hornback - God Still Remembers Me: Devotions for Facing Alzheimer's Disease with Faith Paul Hornback - My Purple Brick Road: A Faithful Battle with Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Dr Daniel Gibbs - A Tattoo on my Brain: A Neurologist's Personal Battle against Alzheimer's Disease Dr Phillip Sloane - ​​Alzheimer's Medical Advisor: A Caregiver's Guide to Common Medical and Behavioral Signs and Symptoms in Persons with Dementia Get all the links and the episode transcript by visiting the website here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    12 min
  6. Caring for Someone with Alzheimer's Disease


    Caring for Someone with Alzheimer's Disease

    If you love someone with Alzheimer's disease, you know that caregiving can be complicated and challenging. But you are not alone. There are many resources to help on your journey. In this episode, we hear from experts and other caregivers about some important dos and don'ts, and share resources where you can find more information.  For a complete list of resources in this podcast series, please visit our website at What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit to let us know! Note: For links to our latest podcast entitled "Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease", visit our website here. Resources Part 1: Making Changes to Environment Home safety tips from MayoClinic Environmental changes (Social Care Institute for Excellence) Grants and resources to help make changes to the home (Alzheimer's Society, UK) Part 2: Helping Someone with Personal Care NIH BetterHealth (Australia) Alzheimer's Association Social Care Institute for Excellence (UK) MayoClinic WebMD, handling outbursts Alzheimer's Associations, managing anger Part 3: Things Not to Do/Say Alzheimer's Society Alzheimer's San Diego Part 4: Support for Caregivers Coping with caregiver depression  Managing stages of Alzheimer's disease  Alzheimer's Association support for caregivers (US) Alzheimer’s Association Local Chapters (US) Alzheimer's Society support for caregivers (UK) Alzheimer’s Society support groups (UK) Dementia Friendly America Healthline: How to find caregiver support groups (US) Alzheimer's Speaks - Resources and links Alz Authors - Books and Podcasts   Part 5: Links to information about advanced care planning Finding geriatric care managers ElderCare Locator from the US Administration on Aging Alzheimer's Association chapters  Alzheimer's Association guide for advance planning Finding your nursing home ombudsman (USA) Alzheimer's Society (Canada) Alzheimer's Society (UK) Links to information about clinical trials: Alzheimer' Alzheimer's Association  Links to Guest’s Books Dr Andrew Budson - Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: What's Normal, What's Not and What to Do About It Dr Jason Karlawish - The Problem of Alzheimer’s: How Science, Culture, and Politics Turned a Rare Disease into a Crisis and What We Can Do About it Anthony Copeland Parker - Running All Over The World: Our Race Against Early-Onset Alzheimer's Paul Hornback - God Still Remembers Me: Devotions for Facing Alzheimer's Disease with Faith Paul Hornback - My Purple Brick Road: A Faithful Battle with Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Dr Daniel Gibbs - A Tattoo on my Brain: A Neurologist's Personal Battle against Alzheimer's Disease Dr Phillip Sloane - ​​Alzheimer's Medical Advisor: A Caregiver's Guide to Common Medical and Behavioral Signs and Symptoms in Persons with Dementia  Dr. Jane Mullins - Finding the Light in Dementia: A Guide for Families, Friends and Caregivers Get all the links and the episode transcript by visiting the website here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    24 min

Shows with Subscription Benefits

  • When you hear the words Alzheimer's disease, what do you think of? The truth is, the picture most of us have of the disease is incomplete. Alzheimer's disease doesn't start when someone starts to lose their memory. It actually starts years – sometimes decades – earlier.  The Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease Podcast is an engaging, narrative-style podcast miniseries for those curious or motivated to learn about Alzheimer’s disease. Perhaps you have a family member with Alzheimer’s disease, or care for someone with Alzheimer’s disease. Perhaps you consider yourself or your loved ones at risk for Alzheimer’s disease and want to hear more about the journey and actions you can take. Told by people with lived experience of Alzheimer's disease, as well as caregivers and health experts, the Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease Podcast answers common questions about Alzheimer's disease, including: what Alzheimer's disease is, how it starts, what signs to look out for, and most importantly, how you can take action to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, or slow its progression. Download and listen to our Health UNMUTED audio series to learn more about Alzheimer's disease, gain confidence in dealing with it, and find hope in the insights and knowledge of others. Together, we can start Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease and make a positive impact in the fight against this complex condition. The Rethinking Alzheimer's Disease Podcast is part of the Health UNMUTED audio library and is made possible with support from Eisai Inc. Disclaimer: The content provided in this Health UNMUTED podcast is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by this podcast or its guests is solely at your own risk. Visit for more information.

  • The Parkinson’s Disease podcast is a miniseries told by people living with Parkinson’s disease, their loved ones and health experts. We explore what causes Parkinson’s, how it’s diagnosed, and the treatments that are available. And we discuss how caregivers and loved ones can cope with Parkinson's disease, too. Parkinson’s is a degenerative condition which is often associated with tremors, imbalance and rigidity, but it affects every person differently. Parkinson's disease impacts about one million Americans and over 8.5 million people worldwide. A diagnosis brings questions, concerns and fears about what lies ahead.  Listen, follow and share this series with the people in your life. For informational purposes only. Please consult a registered health professional for advice.

  • Approximately 34 million people in the U.S. have type 2 diabetes, and even more are at risk. But did you know it can often be delayed—or even prevented? Preventing Type 2 Diabetes is part of the Health UNMUTED audio library, offering eight engaging episodes designed for those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and their loved ones. Hosted by Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell, this Health UNMUTED production combines expert insights with personal stories to answer common questions, explore prevention strategies, and provide actionable advice. Download and listen to Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Podcast to gain practical tools, inspiring perspectives, and the knowledge needed to take proactive steps toward prevention. Health UNMUTED empowers listeners with trustworthy information to reduce risk and embrace a healthier future.

  • COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is the name for a group of lung diseases that make breathing difficult. COPD affects at least 16 million people in the United States and over 250 million people worldwide – but the good news is that most people with COPD can live a full and healthy life!  Created in collaboration with the COPD Foundation, the COPD Podcast is an engaging, narrative-style podcast miniseries for those living with COPD and the people who care about them. Told by people with lived experience of COPD, as well as health experts, the COPD Podcast answers common questions about COPD: including how our lungs work, how COPD affects them, and most importantly, how COPD can be managed. Listen and follow the COPD Podcast on your favorite podcast player– and share the series with someone in your life! For informational purposes only. Please consult a registered health professional for advice.

  • Brain Health News is a compelling podcast series on the Health UNMUTED platform that brings listeners insightful discussions from the forefront of brain health research and Alzheimer’s prevention. Captured at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos and presented by Mission Based Media in association with the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, this series delves into innovative breakthroughs, expert analyses, and global strategies aimed at enhancing brain health across the lifespan. Tune in for a deep dive into the transformative ideas shaping the future of neurological wellness.


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33 Ratings


Alzheimer's disease affects at least 30 million people worldwide, not including, of course, friends, family, and other loved ones, and that number is growing as we live longer. In this miniseries, we speak with health experts and people dealing with Alzheimer's about symptoms, causes, existing treatments, ongoing research into new therapies. We also discuss ways you can lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or any other form of dementia. And we discuss how caregivers and loved ones can cope with Alzheimer's disease, too.  Listen, follow and share this series with the people in your life. For informational purposes only. Please consult a registered health professional for advice.

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