1 hr 17 min

Love Your Sex Life | with Denita Bremer Improving Intimacy in Latter-day Saint Relationships

    • Christianity

Denita Bremer is a Certified Life Coach and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint living with her husband and three kids in beautiful Colorado. She is on a mission to help Latter-day Saint wives love their sex lives and have the intimacy they always (or never) dreamed of. You can find her at denitabremer.com or over on Facebook or Instagram @DenitaBremerCoaching.
Continue the improving intimacy discussion by joining the Improving Intimacy Facebook group.

Denita Bremer is a Certified Life Coach and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint living with her husband and three kids in beautiful Colorado. She is on a mission to help Latter-day Saint wives love their sex lives and have the intimacy they always (or never) dreamed of. You can find her at denitabremer.com or over on Facebook or Instagram @DenitaBremerCoaching.
Continue the improving intimacy discussion by joining the Improving Intimacy Facebook group.

1 hr 17 min