42 min

LWLS x Kathryn Burmeister: A Chat About Overcoming the Addiction to the Status Quo Ladies Who Law

    • Personal Journals

Send us a Text Message with thoughts, guest suggestions, stories and more, HERE! Welcome back to another Ladies Who Law School Podcast episode! This episode is sponsored by Barcast Audio**For all of you guys taking the bar exam in a few months, Barcast Audio has a special offer just for listeners of our show. Right now, you can get 10% off your order of the Barcast: MBE Pack, which includes access to audio lessons, essay workshops, and attack sheets for all 7 MBE subjects.** Use promo c...

Send us a Text Message with thoughts, guest suggestions, stories and more, HERE! Welcome back to another Ladies Who Law School Podcast episode! This episode is sponsored by Barcast Audio**For all of you guys taking the bar exam in a few months, Barcast Audio has a special offer just for listeners of our show. Right now, you can get 10% off your order of the Barcast: MBE Pack, which includes access to audio lessons, essay workshops, and attack sheets for all 7 MBE subjects.** Use promo c...

42 min