53 min

Trish Costello, Founder and CEO of Portfolia, Pioneer in Venture Education and Funding Meant For It

    • Careers

If you want to learn more about how venture capital investing can change your life and the world, this episode is for you. Trish Costello is the founder and CEO of Portfolia, the leading venture investing platform designed for women. Prior to Portfolia, Trish was a pioneer in creating programs to educate and prepare people for venture capital investing in the Kaufman Fellows Program. She led the Kaufman Fellows program for 10 years as the CEO of Venture Education. Trish was also Founding President of CVE Capital Corp, the holding company of a $1.7 billion Fund of Funds.
In our conversation, Trish shares the arc of her career and the milestones and decisions that led her to starting Portfolia. We discuss Trish’s motivations, how she invests and the reasons why Trish believes Portfolia will change investing. We guarantee you will be blown away by how much Trish has done throughout her career and her goals to make the world a better place. Trish’s goal is is over 100,000 women (and their colleagues and friends) investing in Portfolia Funds in five years, and we have no doubt, she will make this vision a reality.
Learn about Porfolia here
Reach out to us here: https://meantforit.com
Follow us on Instgram @meantforit

If you want to learn more about how venture capital investing can change your life and the world, this episode is for you. Trish Costello is the founder and CEO of Portfolia, the leading venture investing platform designed for women. Prior to Portfolia, Trish was a pioneer in creating programs to educate and prepare people for venture capital investing in the Kaufman Fellows Program. She led the Kaufman Fellows program for 10 years as the CEO of Venture Education. Trish was also Founding President of CVE Capital Corp, the holding company of a $1.7 billion Fund of Funds.
In our conversation, Trish shares the arc of her career and the milestones and decisions that led her to starting Portfolia. We discuss Trish’s motivations, how she invests and the reasons why Trish believes Portfolia will change investing. We guarantee you will be blown away by how much Trish has done throughout her career and her goals to make the world a better place. Trish’s goal is is over 100,000 women (and their colleagues and friends) investing in Portfolia Funds in five years, and we have no doubt, she will make this vision a reality.
Learn about Porfolia here
Reach out to us here: https://meantforit.com
Follow us on Instgram @meantforit

53 min