30 min

(MEG) My Birth Preferences & Learning About Advocating for Yourself In Labor Meg And Mike Do Marriage

    • Relationships

(MEG) My Birth Preferences & Learning About Advocating for Yourself In Labor
When I first got pregnant I had never even heard of the term “birth plan” because my only exposure to birth was in the movies and TV. 
I just thought your water breaks in the middle of the grocery store and you frantically drive to the hospital.

But I quickly learned that’s not exactly how it goes.
One of the biggest things I’ve done over the last few months is get really familiar with the birth experience and what my options are and how to advocate for myself when at the hospital. 
I hope this episode helps if you’re in the same position I was a few months ago, completely unaware you can even HAVE birth preferences or a “plan”, because this has helped me become so much more calm and even slightly excited for the birth of my babies. 
↓Follow us on social media:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage 
Hypnobirthing Course: https://thepositivebirthcompany.co.uk/the-hypnobirthing-digital-pack-us?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3uGqBhDdARIsAFeJ5r1zy2kK5GzckJuXyc0VEADSkb60MnUXtByHc4bktgC-V_0xaPoQYkwaAonYEALw_wcB 
Birth Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xoc4ZXFLMapjzZpha6XDU?si=IsPlo8HwSvyA77dPqWezKQ 

(MEG) My Birth Preferences & Learning About Advocating for Yourself In Labor
When I first got pregnant I had never even heard of the term “birth plan” because my only exposure to birth was in the movies and TV. 
I just thought your water breaks in the middle of the grocery store and you frantically drive to the hospital.

But I quickly learned that’s not exactly how it goes.
One of the biggest things I’ve done over the last few months is get really familiar with the birth experience and what my options are and how to advocate for myself when at the hospital. 
I hope this episode helps if you’re in the same position I was a few months ago, completely unaware you can even HAVE birth preferences or a “plan”, because this has helped me become so much more calm and even slightly excited for the birth of my babies. 
↓Follow us on social media:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@megandmikedomarriage
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megandmikedomarriage 
Hypnobirthing Course: https://thepositivebirthcompany.co.uk/the-hypnobirthing-digital-pack-us?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3uGqBhDdARIsAFeJ5r1zy2kK5GzckJuXyc0VEADSkb60MnUXtByHc4bktgC-V_0xaPoQYkwaAonYEALw_wcB 
Birth Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xoc4ZXFLMapjzZpha6XDU?si=IsPlo8HwSvyA77dPqWezKQ 

30 min