Men of Iron Podcast

Men of Iron
Men of Iron Podcast Podcast

The Men of Iron Podcast. A podcast for men. Engaging and relevant discussions for the Christian man. Look out for a NEW EPISODE every Monday morning, at 7AM (EST)! The video version is back! Watch now on YouTube, listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you stream your podcasts!

  1. Chasing God, Not Temporary Satisfaction (EP. 239)

    2 DAYS AGO

    Chasing God, Not Temporary Satisfaction (EP. 239)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Justin and Tony are back on the pod as we continue Part 2 of our conversation on sexual addiction. "I always felt like a fraud as a Christian struggling with sexual addiction." How often as men are we chasing after the temporary satisfaction in life and not the eternal? We expect God to give us what We want, not for us to chase after what God wants for us. Like any other relationship in our lives, our relationship with God takes time and intentionality. We must actively choose to invest time with God. When was the last time you spent time with the Lord? It doesn't happen passively. If you want to find freedom from sexual addiction, you can't do it on your own, and you can't do it without God. You cannot overcome sexual addiction on your own. If you don't know where to get help, Let us be a resource for you, contact us today – You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB Check out our Free Resources here For Mentorship & Executive coaching visit For Retreat Resources visit For Small Group Resources visit

    9 min
  2. Who Do I Struggle with Lust: A Candid Conversation (EP. 238)

    SEP 2

    Who Do I Struggle with Lust: A Candid Conversation (EP. 238)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Justin and Tony are back on the pod as we continue the series on sexual addiction. When we are going through a season of addiction if feels impossible to focus on our relationship with God. No matter what you are going through, don't delay getting right with God. We know it is NOT easy trying to stop a sinful behavior on your own. We need others and we need God to overcome it. The closer we are with God the more He will be these natural desires into alignment. You are not going to be able to overcome it without God. Be open about your struggles, don't be afraid to share your story. Having another man walk alongside you and hold you accountable is crucial to recovery. You cannot overcome sexual addiction on your own. If you don't know where to get help, Let us be a resource for you, contact us today – You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB Check out our Free Resources here For Mentorship & Executive coaching visit For Retreat Resources visit For Small Group Resources visit

    17 min
  3. Fighting Lust: Beyond Pornography (EP. 237)

    AUG 26

    Fighting Lust: Beyond Pornography (EP. 237)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Justin and Tony are back on the pod for the final week of our series on Lust, Sexual Addiction and Pornography. Today we are talking about fighting lust, not porn. What exactly is lust? Lust is a strong, intense desire for something. Lust replaces God's design for intimacy and connection with sinful desires that are outside of His creation. When we get outside of those bounds, it leads to death and destruction. We take what God intended to be natural and we change it for our selfish gain. How are you honoring the image of God in other people? Remember, when you look at a woman lustfully, that is God's daughter. "I've mad a covenant with my eyes." Job 31:1 (NIV) Ultimately, our eyes connect to our brain, our thoughts connect to our heart and desires. Lust starts with what we see and think. It's not just a physical thing, lust is a bigger deal than just pornography. We have to approach the issue holistically – mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. Despite all the messiness and brokenness you may be facing, there is grace! God wants the best for YOU. You cannot overcome sexual addiction on your own. If you don't know where to get help, Let us be a resource for you, contact us today – You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB Check out our Free Resources here For Mentorship & Executive coaching visit For Retreat Resources visit For Small Group Resources visit

    21 min
  4. Why Aren’t We Talking About Porn in the Church? (EP. 236)

    AUG 19

    Why Aren’t We Talking About Porn in the Church? (EP. 236)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Justin and Tony are back on the pod for Week 3 as we continue our series on Lust, Sexual Addiction and Pornography. Today we are talking about Pastors and Porn and how pornography greatly affects Christian leaders and the Church. Statistics say that 50-57% of pastors admit they struggle with pornography. So why are we not having conversations about sexual addiction in the church? One, it is a "taboo" topic and an uncomfortable and messy topic. Pastors and churches are afraid to admit it and talk about it that it is an issue. For pastors specifically, it is a struggle that IF they admit it could jeopardize everything. Another issue is some churches are afraid if they talk about the uncomfortable issues, people will stop showing up. To the pastors, church leaders and men listening to this, the Church is a place for the broken. We can't build towards what God has for us if we are pretending and faking. There is freedom in being vulnerable and being transparent! James 5:16 says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16 (NIV). The power of not being real is keeping us from all that God has for us. It's time to confess, get accountability and work towards freedom. You cannot overcome sexual addiction on your own. If you don't know where to get help, Let us be a resource for you, contact us today – You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB Check out our Free Resources here For Mentorship & Executive coaching visit For Retreat Resources visit For Small Group Resources visit

    19 min
  5. Porn is Ruining Your Marriage (EP. 235)

    AUG 12

    Porn is Ruining Your Marriage (EP. 235)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Justin and Tony are back on the pod for Week 2 as we continue our series on Lust, Sexual Addiction and Pornography. Today we are talking about How Porn is Ruining Your Marriage. Stats say nearly 40% of married men seek out illicit images on a regular basis. 56% of marriages that end in divorce at least one spouse was obsessed with porn. Pornography is part of the picture but not all of it when it comes to sexual addiction. A lot of men fail to admit that they have a sexual addiction. If you keep going back to whatever your thing is, that's an addiction. Jesus says in Matthew 5:27, when you look at a woman lustfully you have already committed adultery in your heart. Jesus raises the standard. It starts with a look and can easily lead to other things. What is that look going to cost you? Your addiction to porn leads to objectifying woman, including your wife. You are ultimately measuring your wife up against these images on the screen. Sexual addiction is self-focused. The more we are lusting after things we want, we are not going after the things God wants. We are designed for connection and intimacy with God and others. Men, don't hide it anymore. It is ruining your marriage. You cannot overcome sexual addiction on your own. If you don't know where to get help, Let us be a resource for you, contact us today – Looking for a mentor? Life is hard, especially when you go at it alone. The Strong27™ mentorship experience puts you face to face with another man to experience accountability, balance and spiritual growth. Apply to be a protege today - You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB Check out our Free Resources here For Mentorship & Executive coaching visit For Retreat Resources visit For Small Group Resources visit

    21 min
  6. Porn is Ruining Your Brain (EP. 234)

    AUG 5

    Porn is Ruining Your Brain (EP. 234)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Justin and Tony join the pod for the month of August as we dive into Overcoming Lust, Sexual Addiction and Pornography. It's a topic and struggle that the Church and men in general have a hard time talking about. This episode we are talking about How Sexual Addiction Rewires the Brain. God designed us for intimacy and connection. That design is broken when we replace healthy relationships and things with unhealthy relationships. Pornograpy creates a chemical dependency. It's proven that sexual addiction actually changes and rewires your brain. When we continue in the same addiction/pattern, the neurons form in that direction and create a real visible path in your brain. Our brains start to depend on the highs that are given from these addictions. If you are struggling with sexual addiction, you have to know the science behind it and understand how your brain operates. You have to rewire your brain, to rewire means to stop going down the old path and start going down a new path. Men, whatever you are struggling with, there is freedom. It is possible! But remember, you can't do it on your own. Find accountability – confess to a mentor or friend and allow him to hold you accountable. Start your mentorship journey today – Looking for a mentor? Life is hard, especially when you go at it alone. The Strong27™ mentorship experience puts you face to face with another man to experience accountability, balance and spiritual growth. Apply to be a protege today - You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB Check out our Free Resources here For Mentorship & Executive coaching visit For Retreat Resources visit For Small Group Resources visit

    20 min
  7. Becoming the Dad Your Family Needs (EP. 233)

    JUL 29

    Becoming the Dad Your Family Needs (EP. 233)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Ryan and Colton are back for Week 5, the final week of the Fatherhood Series. This week we dive into how to be the dad your family needs. In order to be the dad your family needs, you have to know what your family needs. You will not be able to know what your family needs if you aren't connected to God. The best thing you can do as a father is to pursue a relationship with God. We get it, being a dad is a lot of work. After a long day at the office it's easy to want to turn it off when you walk in the door. Remember this men – you are replaceable at work, you are NOT replaceable at home! Don't put things in the wrong order, prioritize the right relationships. Prioritize your family. Recognize the weight of that fact that God is asking you to be the spiritual leader of your family. Be a dad who is present and who spiritually leads. Whatever season of life you are in, whether you feel you've been a good dad or not, be the best dad you can be RIGHT NOW. Chase after the ultimate example, God, and be the dad your family needs. Looking for a mentor? Life is hard, especially when you go at it alone. The Strong27™ mentorship experience puts you face to face with another man to experience accountability, balance and spiritual growth. Apply to be a protege today - You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB Check out our Free Resources here For Mentorship & Executive coaching visit For Retreat Resources visit For Small Group Resources visit

    17 min
  8. How Loving Your Wife Impacts Your Kids (EP. 232)

    JUL 22

    How Loving Your Wife Impacts Your Kids (EP. 232)

    Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Ryan and Colton are back for Week 4 of the Fatherhood Series as we talk about loving your wife and how that impacts fatherhood. Loving your wife is an essential ingredient in who you are as a father. Your marriage is a critical part in your legacy journey. The way that you love your wife is the first love that your kids see. When you love your wife well, you bring security to your marriage and to your household. You may think your kids are too young to notice, but they feel the pulse of the household. It is God's design for your family that you would have a strong marriage with your wife. Men, continue to invest in your marriage and pursue your wife. Your kids are watching. The way you treat your wife is a major part of your legacy and how your kids will remember you. I want my kid to look back on their my wife and I's marriage and aspire to have a marriage like that. Looking for a mentor? Life is hard, especially when you go at it alone. The Strong27™ mentorship experience puts you face to face with another man to experience accountability, balance and spiritual growth. Apply to be a protege today - You can now watch the Men of Iron Podcast on YouTube – Listen to the Men of Iron Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe, listen and share! Find out more at Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB Check out our Free Resources here For Mentorship & Executive coaching visit For Retreat Resources visit For Small Group Resources visit

    17 min
out of 5
45 Ratings


The Men of Iron Podcast. A podcast for men. Engaging and relevant discussions for the Christian man. Look out for a NEW EPISODE every Monday morning, at 7AM (EST)! The video version is back! Watch now on YouTube, listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you stream your podcasts!

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