33 min

Michelle Abbs, Founder & CEO of Web3 Equity Gamechangers Podcast

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode, we sit down with the force of nature and discuss:
- starting her career in education
- Michelle's strengths as a communicator, connector and teacher
- combining technology, entrepreneurship & education
- when she took the Blockchain red pill
- when/how/why she created Web3 Equity
- being featured in Forbes as a Top Woman in NFT and named one of the Top 16 Most Influential Women in NFTs
Please enjoy this episode with the gamechanger, Michelle Abbs.

In this episode, we sit down with the force of nature and discuss:
- starting her career in education
- Michelle's strengths as a communicator, connector and teacher
- combining technology, entrepreneurship & education
- when she took the Blockchain red pill
- when/how/why she created Web3 Equity
- being featured in Forbes as a Top Woman in NFT and named one of the Top 16 Most Influential Women in NFTs
Please enjoy this episode with the gamechanger, Michelle Abbs.

33 min