42 min

MINI EPISODE with NYC Crit Club The Amy Beecher Show

    • Visual Arts

NYC Crit Club is a misleading name for the collaborative learning program that Catherine Haggarty and Hilary Doyle founded five years ago. A) You can take classes with them from anywhere in the world B) it's super inclusive (affordable!)- less a club, more a gathering. I'm teaching there in the spring and Mira Fucking Schor is teaching there in the fall..two icons! Listen on for more info. Enrollment opens August 15th. 
NYC Crit Club Fall 2022 Courses
PS: We don't usually do #ads because that would break from this pod's brand of time consuming and unprofitable that Amy has built over so many years. But NYC Crit Club is great, worth the exception.   #intentional  #plug. 


NYC Crit Club is a misleading name for the collaborative learning program that Catherine Haggarty and Hilary Doyle founded five years ago. A) You can take classes with them from anywhere in the world B) it's super inclusive (affordable!)- less a club, more a gathering. I'm teaching there in the spring and Mira Fucking Schor is teaching there in the fall..two icons! Listen on for more info. Enrollment opens August 15th. 
NYC Crit Club Fall 2022 Courses
PS: We don't usually do #ads because that would break from this pod's brand of time consuming and unprofitable that Amy has built over so many years. But NYC Crit Club is great, worth the exception.   #intentional  #plug. 


42 min