35 min

Mona Rashwan | Residential Group Home Manager Illuminate by LIFESPAN Services

    • Non-Profit

Mona is a Residential Group Home Manager for one of our homes here in Charlotte. As you will hear Mona is the glue that holds everything together and works everyday to create a safe, stable home for our individuals. Check out her story!
LIFESPAN Services exists to empower children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing education, employment, and enrichment opportunities to live, work, and play in their communities.
To learn more go to lifespanservices.org
Make a gift here.
Thank you for joining us!

Mona is a Residential Group Home Manager for one of our homes here in Charlotte. As you will hear Mona is the glue that holds everything together and works everyday to create a safe, stable home for our individuals. Check out her story!
LIFESPAN Services exists to empower children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing education, employment, and enrichment opportunities to live, work, and play in their communities.
To learn more go to lifespanservices.org
Make a gift here.
Thank you for joining us!

35 min