Money In, Money Out

Susan E Gunn
Money In, Money Out

All 21st Century healthcare practices (dental, veterinary, chiropractic, and medical) use two software for a complete accounting system. Based on over 24 years of guiding these practices to a greater understanding in their financial organization and flow, and the book of the same name, Susan Gunn brings a voice of wisdom. Stay tuned for a wide range of topics and guests.

  1. 11/17/2022

    Hire Train Retain

    Stacie Humbles, Principal at Susan's alma mater, Arlington High School, has led the charge at analyzing the affects of the past two years not only on the students, but the teachers and staff at her school. This podcast is very unique and insightful into the difficulty of keeping a community in the midst of the pandemic fallout trauma. the emotional evolution of students and teachers during the pandemic the social skill issues of returning students how education is actively participating in healing The trauma responses of fight, flight, freeze or fawn  how being kind ultimately helps others heal “There are a lot of similarities between the systems of healthcare and education, with the biggest one being dealing with real people, at some of their rawest moments.” “Everyone came to us for the answers when the pandemic started but we didn’t know the answers. We knew the experts but didn’t necessarily have immediate answers.” “The August after virtual learning was created, there was already the beginnings of burn-out.” “Everyone kept telling us to find balance but we couldn’t figure that out as we were working 20 hour days, so we began working on Counter Balance.” “We thought we would only be dealing with students who would be missing math or English skills and thought we could quickly bring them back up but that’s when we were really surprised.” “Social skills for kids and adults were gone. Everyone was absorbed in their screens.” “We rewarded the kids for looking people in the eye, using a pleasant voice, saying hi - they would get bingo dabbed on the hand if they did. The kids got into it and the adults loved the results.” “I don’t think we looked at the COVID as trauma on everyone in the beginning. At one point we had to realize that we were not normal either. Everyone went through trauma.” “Everyone was treating every situation as it was the most extreme crisis.” “The trauma responses took their toll on the workforce. Burnout.” “Everyone is not as high performing as they were before the pandemic.” “If you are feeling burned out, then we need to know why and figure out our role in it. Burnout has to be dealt with on the organizational level, not the individual level.” “Everyone needs their organization to have a means to work through burnout.” “Wear your badge everywhere and have others start a conversation with you – in the service industry and can engage in conversation, that is key.” “Trying to get people in for the interview then to choose us was interesting. We would do anything and everything to stand out.” “There are people that really want that human connection but they are very awkward in having it because we are out of practice and think we can just jump right in and have those conversations.” “People just wanted a battle, ready for a fight, the speak to the manager era. No one wanted a resolution but just wanted someone to get in trouble. That is still happening today.” “Now, during the last three years of pandemic that no one knew what was going on, restructuring society and now rebuilding, we are the ones that are to be here to get humanity through this.”   LINKS & RESOURCES The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan Sylvia Fuentes: Trauma and Toxic Stress Burnout Self-Test Susan's Website: SGS Phone: 888-994-3167 Money In, Money Out Book Matters Of The Heart Financial Practice Analysis Ask The Expert Conference Call

    1h 7m
  2. 10/17/2022

    In The Embezzlement News: NonProfits, Bookkeepers & Tax Preparers

    We have handpicked another round of a few dumbfounding DOJ fraud cases involving nonprofits, bookkeepers and tax preparers! Join us as we explore some of the interesting details of these cases and it will be quickly apparent how these cases caught our attention. Episode Highlights Update: Home Health Care Owners sentenced Another scam targeting seniors Previously convicted bookkeeper has embezzled again Trusted nonProfit director charged with embezzlement Nationwide tax fraud thief charged Beware of the tax preparer that encourages fraudulent returns Quotes: “I never feel the sentences are strong enough to match the level of dishonesty that is needed to commit this kind of fraud.” “We cannot stress enough the importance of background checks. This case is proof of the necessity.” “According to the DOJ, quite a significant number of the tax returns contained fabricated business expenses, household help income, business losses and /or falsely claimed education credits and fuel excise tax credits that they were not entitled to.” “Remember, it is not the tax preparer who is ultimately responsible for the tax returns.” “Their lines (tax auditors) and code interpretations may be different and you want a CPA that respects, not prepares you for, the guillotine.” “The one thing they all have in common is that they THINK they will never be caught.” Press Release Links LINKS & RESOURCES Janice Janssen’s Website: (sign up for the newsletter) GTS Phone:  844-664-4487 Money In, Money Out Book QuickBooks Extreme Makeover  Ask The Expert Conference Call Susan's Website: SGS Phone: 888-994-3167

    44 min
  3. 10/03/2022

    Saving Cents with Common Sense

    In light of the recent interest rate increases, in light of the potential of a financial crisis, in light of any future crisis, there are some common sense issues you need to be aware of and tasks to implement. Let's talk about how to manage these issues in your business and personally.   "The debate is in full swing whether there will be a recession or not but what there seems to be full agreement on is that the economy has slowed." "With credit card interest rates almost doubling, make sure you are paying your credit card balance in full by the due date." "Set up a weekly autopay for credit cards that are close to maxing out monthly." "Downloading credit card charges into your accounting software will give you oversight to what is being charged." "Big box banks tend to offer the lowest (savings accounts) interest rates." "Make your money work for you. Do not overlook this opportunity." "You don't necessarily want to show up to a battle with a kitchen knife, right?" "I love being able to see at a glance what I have earned and spent and how that compares to previous years." "Maybe we should all run our businesses and work on evaluating our financial reports as if Warren Buffet was going to sit down and review our financial reports with us!" LINKS & RESOURCES SNL Skit: Can I Buy It Savings Account Interest Rates: Savings Account Calculator: Money In, Money Out Book QuickBooks Extreme Makeover  Ask The Expert Conference Call Susan's Website: SGS Phone: 888-994-3167

    46 min
  4. 07/11/2022

    In The Embezzlement News: Can’t Make This Up - Insurance Fraud

    As Certified Fraud Examiners, Janice Janssen and Susan Gunn bring you stories straight from the headlines of those who have chosen to commit fraud. These individuals believed they could get something for nothing. They believed the cost of having whatever they wanted, outweighed the cost of getting caught. But they did indeed get caught.   Episode Highlights Amtrak $31k Fraud  Chiropractic Clinic Fraud $2m+ Dentist Commits $12m Wire Fraud Dr In Office Drug Dealing  Greed in Fraud A Doctor, Dentist and NBA Player plus a few others Evaluate your community of friends Quotes “There are so many ways to commit insurance fraud.”  “Just because you haven't been arrested, doesn't mean you are in the clear” “In order to commit fraud like this, it seems you need recruiters.”  “The stream of victims is much wider than those committing the fraud.”  “Insurance fraud comes back on all of us, because we need to pay more on our premiums because there is so much fraud out there.”  “She was billing for office visits and she was on vacation, completely out of the State - during these visits the patients met with unqualified providers.”  “She wrote controlled substance prescriptions to patients without any need.”  “It is greed. Every single time greed is the reason fraud is committed.”  “Unrelenting greed gets you into trouble every time.”  “If it sounds too good to be true…it is.”    Links & Resources  Department of Justice Press Releases: Harry Markopolos, No One Would Listen about how he uncovered Bernie Madoff’s scam   Janice Janssen’s Website: (sign up for the newsletter) GTS Phone:  844-664-4487 Susan’s Website:  (sign up for the newsletter) SGS Phone:  888-994-3167 Book Money In, Money Out: Financial Organization In Your Practice  Ask The Expert Online Consultation

    46 min
  5. 06/28/2022

    In The Embezzlement News: The Chrisley’s - Do They Know Best?  

    One of Susan’s speaking presentations is called Unrelenting Greed. In not one of her embezzlement cases has the embezzler truly been in need, in dire straits, from the spouse losing a job, or a sick child or anything requiring the money that was stolen.  Most often the embezzler got themselves into trouble because of the image they wanted to live. Greed. Janice Janssen and Susan Gunn discuss this particular recent headline case, The Chrisley’s, in another episode of In The Embezzlement News.  Episode Highlights Todd’s Background  Todd and Julie Chrisley Found Guilty Tape and Glue Why stop now - Julie continues the fraud The Accountant  The IRS isn’t Stupid  Quotes “They intended to defraud multiple banks by providing false information.”  “They had physically cut and glued and taped the financial report together, not using photoshop.”  “After all of that what does Todd do? He filed bankruptcy for $20 Million Dollars.”  “Imagine that - Julie and Todd never paid the rent on the house they fraudulently rented.”  “If you have an accountant encouraging fraud and being unethical, WALK AWAY.”  “Defrauding the IRS is never a good idea, and yet it happens all the time.”  “You need to make sure that your CPA’s, Hygienists, Dental Assistants etc are verified and that their licenses are still active.”  “That is tax evasion, not lessening your tax burden - how stupid do you think the IRS is?” “The network has a certain societal responsibility to change the titles - the Chrisleys do not know best.” “Deposit all your patient payments, including cash.”  “Remember your kids and anyone close to you, because they are watching and picking up what you do.”    Links & Resources   DOJ Press Release: The Indictment DOJ Press Release: The Conviction USA Network Janice Janssen’s Website: (sign up for the newsletter) GTS Phone:  844-664-4487 Susan’s Website:  (sign up for the newsletter) SGS Phone:  888-994-3167 Book Money In, Money Out: Financial Organization In Your Practice  Book Getting The Most Out of QuickBooks In Your Practice   Book Advanced QuickBooks In Your Practice   Ask The Expert Online Consultation

    55 min
  6. 03/10/2022


    Following up on securing our work internet from cyber attacks, the fundamentals of protecting your home against cyber attacks are within your grasp and should be fully implemented.  If you have not ensured that your home internet is secured, you will definitely want to listen as Cyber Security Expert Debi Carr joins Susan and Janice at the table to discuss what really needs to be done to protect your privacy from intrusion. Episode Highlights How a firewall protects your home, as well as your business How a VPN can protect your phone and home computers How a GOOD antivirus can protect your computers How to lock your credit bureau and your property titles The importance of backups Quotes "Every home needs a firewall and it can be purchased for around $200 on Amazon or Best Buy.” “A firewall controls who is coming in and what is going out.” “The firewall can create segments to separate devices, in the case of an intrusion.” “The firewall can be monitored and can send alerts as to who is doing what.” “Messages received that have a link to click on should NOT be clicked on.” “Do not use Windows Remote Desktop to remote into your computer.” “It all goes back to the layers of internet security in your home and the culture of security that you are creating with your family.” “There has been an uptick of identity theft in the past two years.” “The only one that is going to protect our identity is ourselves.” “Always do your Windows updates.” “A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip (that sits on the MotherBoard) which allows you to encrypt your computer at the end point. If the threat factor does get in, then the data is unreadable outside the computer itself.” “Watch what you are posting on Social Media.” Links & Resources  Debi Carr’s Website:  DK Carr & Associates Phone:  (844) 352-2771 Janice Janssen’s Website: (sign up for the newsletter) GTS Phone:  844-664-4487 Susan’s Website:  (sign up for the newsletter) SGS Phone:  888-994-3167 Book Money In, Money Out: Financial Organization In Your Practice  Book Getting The Most Out of QuickBooks In Your Practice   Book Advanced QuickBooks In Your Practice   Ask The Expert Online Consultation

    46 min
  7. 03/08/2022


    With much anticipation of imminent cyber warfare attacks increasing from Russia, in the midst of the ongoing onslaught of the Ukraine, out of a sense of urgency the next two podcasts were recorded. If you have not ensured that your work internet is secured, you will definitely want to listen as Cyber Security Expert Debi Carr joins Susan and Janice at the table to discuss what really needs to be done to protect any business from cyber warfare. Episode Highlights The current landscape of cyber warfare Cyberwarfare is not contained to a country Four layers of cybersecurity protection Quotes "For us to have it in our heads that it’s happening over there and it could never affect us here, is a myth…” “We are all still very vulnerable to this situation. The threat is real.” “We work off IP addresses and you never know if that IP address is in Russia, the Ukraine or wherever.” “If that email happens to have a trojan in it and they click on it, then it can affect all computers.”  “ A lot of phishing emails are trying to get donations, creating fears that compel action - it all about the money.” “Do not follow any links in an email. If you get an invoice, do not enable ANY macros (should be a popup).” “Be careful where you are internet surfing.  Between February 25 2020 and March 25, 2020, over 500k websites were created and the FBI estimates that over 450k of them held malicious code in them.” “Google ads can be cloned by not the real company they supposedly represent and have malicious code downloaded into your computer by simply clicking.” “We need to have a culture of security by having layers of security.” “No personal emails on your work computer.” “Every business in the US should have a firewall.”  “Every business should have a perimeter defense.” “They need a firewall that needs an active IDS that is constantly updating, like a traffic cop standing on the corner, making sure that all traffic has permission to be there.”  “Use active directory to grant user permissions for a workplace server.” “Guest accounts should have restrictions in the active directory setup.” “Always use a VPN on your phone or laptop at a restaurant or hotel when accessing their internet.” “Using Google’s Incognito protects your privacy in search but does not protect from malicious coding.” “The purpose of an active backup is to get back up as quickly as possible in the event of a malicious attack or crash.” “The four layers need to be in your practice or workplace.” Links & Resources  Debi Carr’s Website:  DK Carr & Associates Phone:  (844) 352-2771 Janice Janssen’s Website: (sign up for the newsletter) GTS Phone:  844-664-4487 Susan’s Website:  (sign up for the newsletter) SGS Phone:  888-994-3167 Book Money In, Money Out: Financial Organization In Your Practice  Book Getting The Most Out of QuickBooks In Your Practice   Book Advanced QuickBooks In Your Practice   Ask The Expert Online Consultation

    59 min

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All 21st Century healthcare practices (dental, veterinary, chiropractic, and medical) use two software for a complete accounting system. Based on over 24 years of guiding these practices to a greater understanding in their financial organization and flow, and the book of the same name, Susan Gunn brings a voice of wisdom. Stay tuned for a wide range of topics and guests.

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