36 min

Moving Through the Phases of Maturity Training4Manhood

    • Christianity

Guest: Dr. Steven Lytle, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Founding Partner of Sparrow House Counseling
Guys, the journey to manhood begins early in life. Moms are great at giving a foundation of unconditional love. Dads are great at giving encouragement to a young boy and calling him upward.
Great resource - Fathered by God by John Eldredge - a young man needs to go through some developmental phases of maturity:
“Cowboy” phase - not a lot of wisdom, but a lot of energy. Separation individuation is an important process. You’re experimenting, and failing, and learning! Most important social influence is actually your parents - better to be connected to parents than peers! But your peers/friends are an important element in your development - so be wise in whom you allow to speak into your life.
“Warrior” phase - the launching time for a young man, rules and accountability are set by you, not others. Learn to appreciate how God wired you. You don’t have to compare yourself to others who are designed for a different plan and purpose!
Another great resource - Love, Identity, and Purpose: Finding Purpose in Our Identity as God’s Children by Terry Moore
“Lover” phase - the time to find your passion in life. This is the time you look for your wife to share your life and passion with. 
“King” phase - now you’re the expert and are doing the work you’re called and equipped to do.
“Sage” phase - this is the time that you’ve accumulated a lifetime of wisdom - now is the time to pass it on to others!
T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle (info@training4manhood.com) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website.
Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.

Guest: Dr. Steven Lytle, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Founding Partner of Sparrow House Counseling
Guys, the journey to manhood begins early in life. Moms are great at giving a foundation of unconditional love. Dads are great at giving encouragement to a young boy and calling him upward.
Great resource - Fathered by God by John Eldredge - a young man needs to go through some developmental phases of maturity:
“Cowboy” phase - not a lot of wisdom, but a lot of energy. Separation individuation is an important process. You’re experimenting, and failing, and learning! Most important social influence is actually your parents - better to be connected to parents than peers! But your peers/friends are an important element in your development - so be wise in whom you allow to speak into your life.
“Warrior” phase - the launching time for a young man, rules and accountability are set by you, not others. Learn to appreciate how God wired you. You don’t have to compare yourself to others who are designed for a different plan and purpose!
Another great resource - Love, Identity, and Purpose: Finding Purpose in Our Identity as God’s Children by Terry Moore
“Lover” phase - the time to find your passion in life. This is the time you look for your wife to share your life and passion with. 
“King” phase - now you’re the expert and are doing the work you’re called and equipped to do.
“Sage” phase - this is the time that you’ve accumulated a lifetime of wisdom - now is the time to pass it on to others!
T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make donations either via Zelle (info@training4manhood.com) or by visiting the Training4Manhood website.
Huge thank you to Jared Wood for allowing T4M to use his music in our intro and outro selections.

36 min