Three years ago, we started the podcast Coming From Left Field… where we talk about politics, books, and current events. In this podcast we reflect on some of our guests we have hosted over the 68 episodes, argue where we agree and disagree, and provide observations about our current political apocalypse.
Greg’s Blog (subscribe!):
Marxism-Leninism Today (MLToday):
(01:45) book discussion “How Democracies Die”
(14:14) Dan Kovalik, “Cancel This Book,” “Pink Tide,” “Trip to Russia & Crimea”
(16:24) book discussion Karl Marx
(20:47) Carlos Garrido, “Last Years of Marx” book discussion
(22:41) Eddie Smith, “Blackshirts and Reds” book discussion
(24:38) Christian Parenti, “First Privilege Walk & Radical Hampton”
(26:22) Janice O’Mahony & Kevin Miller, “A Couple of Poets”
(27:49) Stephen Gowans, “Israel, A Beachhead in the Middle East”
(30:07) Jim Painter, “Media,” & “The Black March Novel”
(30:49) Hoss Hollwedel, “”Exterminate All the Brute” & “Amazon unions”
(32:21) Toni Gilpin, “The Long Deep Grudge:
(32:47) Roger Keeran, “The Communist Party and the Autoworker's”
(34:06) Tony Monterio, “The lost legacy of Henry Winston”
(37:09) Walter Johnson, “The Broken Heart of America”
(39:09) Tariq Ali, “Winston Churchill”
(39:20) Vijay Prashad, “The Withdrawal”
(39:25) Joanna Moncrieff, “The Serotonin Theory of Depression”
(41:42) Gerald Horne, “Black Liberation / Red Scare”, “Jazz and Justice”
(45:14) Walter Bragman, “Moms for Liberty”
(45:21) Anthony Conwright, “Jan 6, Big Lie”
(45:31) Kathryn Joyce. “War on Public Schools”
(45:42) Andy Campbell, “We Are Proud Boys”
(47:53) Suzanne Gordon, “Wounds of War”
(49:42) Bill Ehrhart, “Thank You for Your Service,” “Smedley Butler,” “Essays”
(51:27) Norman Finkelstein,” I'll Burn That Bridge When I Get to It!”
(54:29) Ruth Ben-Ghiat, “Strongmen”
(57:16) Fredrik deBoer, “Cult of Smart,” ”How Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement”
PatCummings#GregGodels#ZZBlog#ComingFromLeftField#ComingFromLeftFieldPodcast#DanKovalik#KarlMarx#MidwesternMarist#CarlosGarrido#EddieSmith#Blackshirts#MichaelParinti#ChristianParenti#JaniceO’Mahony#KevinMiller#Poets#StephenGowans#JimPainter#ToniGilpin#RogerKeeran#CommunistParty#TonyMonterio#WalterJohnson#TariqAli#VijayPrashad#JoannaMoncrieff#GeraldHorne#JazzandJustice#WalterBragman#AnthonyConwright#KathrynJoyce#Andy#Bill Ehrhart#WDEhrhart#NormanFinkelstein#RuthBen-Ghiat#Strongmen#FredrikdeBoer
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Biweekly
- PublishedDecember 20, 2023 at 6:55 AM UTC
- Length1h 12m
- Episode69
- RatingClean