48 min

Tara Marlow's 'Camino Wandering' teaches us the inner message the Camino holds for all of us My Camino - the podcast

    • Places & Travel

Tasmanian author Tara Marlow's 'Camino Wandering' is about Aubrey, a 50+ woman who has found herself at the crossroads. She decides to walk the Camino to help her cope with the next phase of her life. What she learns is a magic lesson for all of us. Reach out. Step out.  And live. You'll love this exploration of writing, sharing and growing on the Camino.

Tasmanian author Tara Marlow's 'Camino Wandering' is about Aubrey, a 50+ woman who has found herself at the crossroads. She decides to walk the Camino to help her cope with the next phase of her life. What she learns is a magic lesson for all of us. Reach out. Step out.  And live. You'll love this exploration of writing, sharing and growing on the Camino.

48 min