30 min

My Top 5 Books of 2020 The Purpose Collective

    • Christianity

The courageous Frederick Douglas said, "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Well, ya girl read over 50 books this year and I've set aside my top 5 just for you. Tune in to get a full review of some dope books.
Download FREE vision board resource at vision.thepurposecollective.co
Download FREE guide to help you with uncovering your purpose at guide.thepurposecollective.co
The show notes for this episode can be accessed at this link >> https://pavielle.com/006/

The courageous Frederick Douglas said, "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Well, ya girl read over 50 books this year and I've set aside my top 5 just for you. Tune in to get a full review of some dope books.
Download FREE vision board resource at vision.thepurposecollective.co
Download FREE guide to help you with uncovering your purpose at guide.thepurposecollective.co
The show notes for this episode can be accessed at this link >> https://pavielle.com/006/

30 min