8 min

New to the Golf Course? Begin with the Finish for Every Shot for Improvement The Smart Golfer Podcast

    • Golf

Golf is not always one of the easiest games to learn - there's the swing, but also so much more in terms of successfully navigating the golf course.There can be SO many thoughts going through your head.It's no wonder that it can even feel a bit stressful when it's your time to make a swing!Attempting to think about every component of your swing while you're over the ball won't help. In fact, doing so can often lead to overload.If you're ready for a simple yet effective alternative strategy to...

Golf is not always one of the easiest games to learn - there's the swing, but also so much more in terms of successfully navigating the golf course.There can be SO many thoughts going through your head.It's no wonder that it can even feel a bit stressful when it's your time to make a swing!Attempting to think about every component of your swing while you're over the ball won't help. In fact, doing so can often lead to overload.If you're ready for a simple yet effective alternative strategy to...

8 min