47 min

Niching Down, with Erik Jensen Sell With Authority

    • Marketing

Niching down, a podcast featuring Erik Jansen and Deb Zahn. In this episode, learn about why everything gets easier after niching down. Niching down is something that we’re doing differently for this podcast episode.
As you know — Erik is one of the owners here at Predictive and has joined Stephen for several episodes on the podcast, which has been a fun opportunity to share Erik’s smarts with our community in new and deeper ways.
No doubt — Erik has a depth of expertise, and we’re looking forward to him joining Stephen as his guest on the show again soon.
That said — for today — we’re going to do something different and share the full-length interview where Erik was interviewed by Deb Zahn, the fabulous host of the “Craft of Consulting” podcast.
Deb did an exceptional job of orchestrating a deep and instructional conversation around a topic that, in our experience — agencies, business coaches, and strategic consultants — typically either run from — or — move toward in a somewhat committed way.
When the episode aired — we listened to every word because what Erik shared was so helpful and awesome.
You’ll hear Erik map out everything about niching down: How and where to build your position of authority (we call that planting your flag) Why niching down is important How to monetize it Overcoming your fear of opportunity costs Recognizing that everything gets easier when you’re niching down Our guess is — you’ll also love the food analogies Erik shared — so awesome. The one about the French pastry chef is fantastic! And much more, which is why we decided to share the full episode with you. Resources: Website: https://predictiveroi.com/ Listen to another niching down podcast with Parker Stevenson LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-jensen-b9946068/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PredictiveROI/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/predictive_roi Learn about niching down and scaling up, with Ken Hardison

Niching down, a podcast featuring Erik Jansen and Deb Zahn. In this episode, learn about why everything gets easier after niching down. Niching down is something that we’re doing differently for this podcast episode.
As you know — Erik is one of the owners here at Predictive and has joined Stephen for several episodes on the podcast, which has been a fun opportunity to share Erik’s smarts with our community in new and deeper ways.
No doubt — Erik has a depth of expertise, and we’re looking forward to him joining Stephen as his guest on the show again soon.
That said — for today — we’re going to do something different and share the full-length interview where Erik was interviewed by Deb Zahn, the fabulous host of the “Craft of Consulting” podcast.
Deb did an exceptional job of orchestrating a deep and instructional conversation around a topic that, in our experience — agencies, business coaches, and strategic consultants — typically either run from — or — move toward in a somewhat committed way.
When the episode aired — we listened to every word because what Erik shared was so helpful and awesome.
You’ll hear Erik map out everything about niching down: How and where to build your position of authority (we call that planting your flag) Why niching down is important How to monetize it Overcoming your fear of opportunity costs Recognizing that everything gets easier when you’re niching down Our guess is — you’ll also love the food analogies Erik shared — so awesome. The one about the French pastry chef is fantastic! And much more, which is why we decided to share the full episode with you. Resources: Website: https://predictiveroi.com/ Listen to another niching down podcast with Parker Stevenson LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-jensen-b9946068/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PredictiveROI/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/predictive_roi Learn about niching down and scaling up, with Ken Hardison

47 min